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What's with the Leica camera? Square peg in a round hole!

So what is generating the heat? My cell camera is a 50 megapixel. The screen is 6 inches. Is it the difference in density? I seriously want to know but I am for the most part clueless.

Your phone also has a very very small sensor. Keeping a large CMOS running for long durations can damage it.
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So what is generating the heat? My cell camera is a 50 megapixel. The screen is 6 inches. Is it the difference in density? I seriously want to know but I am for the most part clueless.

What cell phone do you have? I've not heard of one with a 50 MP sensor. Computational photography can create a 50 MP image from a 12 MP sensor though.

Heat is generally associated with the sensor and the computer(s) that goes with it.
What cell phone do you have? I've not heard of one with a 50 MP sensor. Computational photography can create a 50 MP image from a 12 MP sensor though.

Heat is generally associated with the sensor and the computer(s) that goes with it.
Moto z4
48MP, quad pixel
phase-detect, laser autofocus
f/1.7 lens
dual-LED flash

Most of the heat I've experience with DSLR cameras and cell phones are with the LCD screens being on for extended lengths of time. Is the actual sensor for capture generating that much heat?
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According to online reviews the Moto Z4 is really a 12 MP camera.

The 48MP camera on the Moto Z4 actually takes 12MP photos, using pixel binning to create larger pixels and help with lighting.
According to online reviews the Moto Z4 is really a 12 MP camera.

The 48MP camera on the Moto Z4 actually takes 12MP photos, using pixel binning to create larger pixels and help with lighting.
I realize that most pixel stats are just sales pitches. Just like the batteries that we buy or the wattages of lasers that are sold. I'm just to lazy to look up all the bloated sales pitches. Do research on 4g cell tech and you'll see another form of BS sales pitching.
For data volume it should be quite an upgrade. The only problem, one similar to 4k imagery, is having transmission/reception equipment that will handle it.
I can't help but think that at some point in time the providers of 5G will decide that the next quarterly profit projections won't be enough and then they'll start raising the rates for 5G through the roof and people will cry when they see the costs and what the throttling of that bandwidth will be. 5G itself is useless without fiber feeding those towers.

I don't see 5G coming to rural America any more than I saw broadband coming to rural America.

At some point 5G may have to compete with LEO satellite communication like that being started by SpaceX and perhaps a couple of other companies.

If we don't have an economic recession or depression things will be changing quickly.
A recession is not likely unless people decide to “fix” something not broken and working very well as is. A 10,000 point market gain in 3 years is unprecedented, and not having enough people available to fill the number of job openings is equally startling. While other economies are weakening ours is strengthening.

Unfortunately there are people that want to be ashamed of success, and they are being as disruptive as they can.
@PatR your response sounded political but I hope not. None of us foresaw the last two recessions caused by corporate greed and malfeasance (Enron and the mortgage debacle).
@PatR your response sounded political but I hope not. None of us foresaw the last two recessions caused by corporate greed and malfeasance (Enron and the mortgage debacle).
Of course Pat's response was political. Most everything has political ramifications. I would hope it's not propaganda bit free speech should be allowed. Maybe I'm missing something
Our last “recession” was totally predictable, only the timing was in question. When prices are continuously rising, wages stagnant, inflation increasing, while many without the means to repay allowed to finance high dollar items like homes and then allowed to refi to pull minor equity gains to buy expensive toys, it requires only a single event to trigger a recession. People were living far beyond their financial means.

People were “maxed out”. They had virtually no liquid savings, credit cards were run up, mortgage payments exceeded 1/3 monthly income. Run away gas prices broke the household ability to pay them so people maxed out credit cards to finance employment transportation costs, which weakened ability to keep up with household bills.

As for being political, all recessions and national economies have a basis in politics. Even our Federal Reserve system. Largely due to politics Wall Street had a field day with our last recession. Money invested in retirement accounts disappeared through falling stock values. Banks, real estate lenders/investors, large corporations made massive profits through politically generated “bail out” plans and cash “give aways”. The people that drive 75% of the economy, the average consumer, received almost no benefit from government bail outs, and the multi-billion $$ cost of big business, “too big to fail” money grants only deepened and extended the recession.
I see the last recession quite differently from you.

I was working as an IT System Architect in one of the largest banks in the US. What I saw was a repeat of the S&L debacle on a much larger scale. Mortgage rates were quite low. S&Ls were writing mortgage loans at an amazing rate and making a fortune selling those loans to the large commercial banks who then turned them into securities with a lot of junk mortgages in the portfolio. Many S&Ls were NOT performing due diligence on the mortgage applications thus the junk mortgages. The big banks couldn't sit still watching others making huge amounts of money so they starting buying up the S&Ls and turning them into wholly owned subsidiaries because the S&Ls couldn't meet the Federal Requirements of the large commercial banks charter. Wall Street's greed finally caught up to them and at least one two brokerages died. A few banks died as well. Many were put on a diet and closely investigated.

Many trace this debacle back to Bill Clinton and the repeal of Glass-Steagall act. The government stepped in to avoid the real possibility of another great depression. We got a "Great Recession" instead. Now, many hate the new legislation meant to keep this from happening again and lobby for its removal.

Politics? Yes, this is where Senator Elizabeth Warren showed her financial chops and gained notoriety for rightfully tongue lashing many banking CEOs and working on legislation to avoid this sh*t show from happening again.

Will it happen again? Probably. Greed is a powerful force and $$$ is mother's milk to politicians.
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I don't think us arm chair politicians will fix the issues the DC elites have created. I doubt we'll agree on the political issues. The one thing I hope we can agree on is the present day politics are working financially for the vast majority.

Along these lines I may not like Patr but I trust him for many drone issues and his knowledge of drones. Many don't like president Trump. I don't care about those that don't like him I care about what he does as president.

Didn't care at all for Clinton's antics and perjury. He did get some positive things changed. BTW I do like some things Patr does ?
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I don't think us arm chair politicians will fix the issues the DC elites have created. I doubt we'll agree on the political issues. The one thing I hope we can agree on is the present day politics are working financially for the vast majority.

Along these lines I may not like Patr but I trust him for many drone issues and his knowledge of drones. Many don't like president Trump. I don't care about those that don't like him I care about what he does as president.

Didn't care at all for Clinton's antics and perjury. He did get some positive things changed. BTW I do like some things Patr does [emoji16]

“Necessary evil”?


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