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WiFi connection issue.

Jun 18, 2016
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Just received the H on May 27, 2016 and have flown it three times. The first two went well with no problem in start up, binding, flying and charging the battery and ST16 in between. Yesterday, Saturday 6/18/16 I attempted to fly the H for the third time. On initialization the WiFi kept showing connection without connecting. Restarted the H several times, no luck. Checked to be sure WiFi was in the on position on the ST16. Disconnected and reconnected the battery on the ST16. Checked to see if the H was sending a WiFi signal with my i phone and the phone was picking up the WiFi signal.
Yesterday the light on the H was flashing purple which is GPS not connected. I had 17 GPS's showing on the ST16. I could fly the H, however, non of the programed functions would work, i.e. follow me etc. That is probably due to the GPS not being connected but I'm not sure.
Today the light is flashing Red quickly which should be a non initialized issue.
Any idea's on what is going on? I will try to call Yuneec tomorrow, Monday for help. Would appreciate any solution idea's.
Don't understand what happened. No crashes or any other things that could have caused this. Literally broke it down and repacked in the factory box after the second flight and took it out, set it up and boom, this issue.
Thank you,
As far as the wifi goes, that appears to be an issue that Yuneec is working on. There is a workaround by going into the system menu and making sure you can see the camera under the bind setting.

The red flashing light sounds like you will need to recalibrate. There is a lot of videos on that on this forum just do a quick search.
When trying Follow me etc. were you in Smart Mode, because Follow Me has to be in Smart Mode to work, and you should have a Green /White flashing light, the POI and some of the other options work in Angle, but not Follow Me !
You would think Yuneec would make a little better writing in there Manual about how Follow me has to be in Smart Mode, and POI and some of the other options only work in Angle, I am still not sure how useful any of that is unless you put the controller (or Wizard) on the person you are trying to video.
As far as the wifi goes, that appears to be an issue that Yuneec is working on. There is a workaround by going into the system menu and making sure you can see the camera under the bind setting.

The red flashing light sounds like you will need to recalibrate. There is a lot of videos on that on this forum just do a quick search.
Thank you for the reply. I did as you suggested. I went into system settings then I went into camera select and selected the camera then I went to bind and selected the receiver and once that receiver was selected and I did the blind the connection was made.
On another note I have downloaded the firmware update for the H off the website onto the SD card. I can see it is the correct size and number. When I go through the update process I get an error message stating there is no data on the SD card?
Thank you for the reply. I did as you suggested. I went into system settings then I went into camera select and selected the camera then I went to bind and selected the receiver and once that receiver was selected and I did the blind the connection was made.
On another note I have downloaded the firmware update for the H off the website onto the SD card. I can see it is the correct size and number. When I go through the update process I get an error message stating there is no data on the SD card?

I had the same problem the first time I did a firmware update. I had mine in a folder. You have to put it in the ST16 controller SD slot on the bottom and the update has to be on the root of the SD card ie not in a folder.

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