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Yuneec g help

May 23, 2016
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ive purchased the Yuneec g , the copter works fine but gimball has never worked for me , I've never gotten video on the remote , even if I use the steady grip the gimball does not work .
I've looked at all the online videos but still can't get it to work.
I'm not in the us anymore.
What can I do ?
Did you take the gimbal guard off?
Jus sayin...
I know its elementary....but the gadget guru made a YouTube video about his trouble with getting it removed.
I'm glad he was honest on his video....but that gimble guard is so precisely made and fitted, it took me several minutes to pry it off....it looks like part of the gimbal mechanism itself!
Its so tricky to get back on, I just leave it off.
He suggested that they don't make the gaurd the exact same color as the gimbal. ...which is a very good idea!
His experience helped me not make the same mistake.
He was on the phone with Yuneec tech support for a long time before figuring it out.
If you can find his video online it is definitely worth watching
Did you bind it to the controller?
Did you put the password in?
If you bought it used, the previous owner may have changed the password. ....

If you bought a brand new unit, it even
Sometimes takes several attempts for the process to work properly and get it to bind.
Thanks guys . I did remove the protector. When I try to bind on the remote it doesn't see the camera to bind with ..
I'm thinkin it's a problem with power to the transmitter since it won't even stabalise .
I live in Bogot'a, Colombia which is about 9.000 feet over the sea level and of course my Q 500 plus does not work as was stipulated in the instructions when I bought it and I was fully aware of that. Never the less I will like to know if there is any way you can change the 8.000 limit and increse it to about 9200 in order to be able to opérate the drone in Bogota. I can any time go to the low lands and will not have any problema flying the drone but it will be great if I can do it in Bogota,
Thank you for your help.
Yes you can change it with the Yuneec GUI.
search YouTube for Ryan's tech time, or updating Yuneec q500 from Yuneec.
It can be changed from what I understand.

No you can not use the GUI to change the 8000 foot limit. Yuneec has firmware for customers that live above the 8000 foot elevation. Just email them or call and they will send it out to you. Or you can download it from here.
It is also suggested to use turtle mode to help out with the thinner air and after market Aeronaut Propeller's

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