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I am new with drones. I have ordered a Yuneec Typhoon H Plus. It’s not here yet but very excited for it to arrive. I’m a member of a local RC club and flown model aircraft for years and one of the members has one.
I have problem with me Typhoon drone. The camera is defocusing and it’s make videos not nice
Staffey, almost no one will see your problem here in your Profile section. You need to create an actual Thread in the section for the exact model of Typhoon you have. In the first post you make in the new thread, you should clarify what you mean by defocusing and making pictures not good.
Wodan. Ik heb je een PM gestuurd met een link naar een verzameling van Breeze APPS.
Ik denk dat de reden dat je geen reactie hebt ontvangen is omdat je hier post, in je eigen Ledenprofiel. Dat is telkens maar een paar uur zichtbaar voor andere leden. Een bericht in het hoofdforum zal meer respons krijgen.
Is er nou niemand die mij kan helpen? Er moet toch ergens een applicatie te vinden zijn voor een Breeze 4K?
Hey I’m from Tulsa too. I have a q500 4k let me know what you find out. And do you know of any good drone resources here in town?
Welcome to YuneecPilots!

Tom said you were family. Hope you find the site useful.
John any idea on the Q500 batteries bein back in stock ? I sold my 500 to a friend told him to drain the batteries after a month he didnt fly it, so the boob drained them completely now one just keeps blinking green the other's red (error) ?
Hi all, I have a Breeze 4K, drone connects iPhone 12. But what can’t get to work is the wifi, I see it in my wifi list, or goes to the top, but it says “no wifi connection”. I saw on a other post that go back to app press the wifi and window pops up, wlan, I press ok but it doesn’t send anywhere for me to re-enter the password. I have reset the drone a number of times. Help!!!!!! Will a VPN cause this to happen?
help i recently hade a motor issue on my q500 i went about fixing this issue and after disconeting the motor and
repairing it once connected again it flashes orange and beeps this series of beeps and wont start i read that i need
a gui diagnostic tool to erase the motor error. is this correct and if so does anyone have it available thanks seth
After a month long battled with Yuneec for a warranty claim for my brand new Typhoon H3, they finally accepted my warranty claim. However, it's been 12 days, nothing has moved!
Brand new to the Game Of Drones I just purchased the H520E Law Enforcement bundle. Is the any specific software I should download to my laptop for this system?
Hi paul, I bought the SKY RC imaxB^ mini from Amazon for £38.00 also you need the power supply as this is extra
Wie kan mij helpen? Ik ben op zoek naar de Breeze Cam-applicatie voor mijn pas aangekochte Breeze 4K. Deze zou te vinden zijn op Google Play Store. Dat blijk dus niet waar te zijn en kan mijn splinter nieuwe Breeze 4K niet de lucht in. Dit is al het vierde verzoek hiertoe, maar ik heb nog steeds geen antwoord gekregen. Wie kan mij helpen?
Looks like my next move on my issue with the H is to update firmware. The Yuneec site asks for WHICH H is have. How may I identify the model? Thanks.

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