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it had to happen.... first crash

Dec 19, 2017
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And yes, I'm pretty new at all this. Not certain what happened beyond the fact that it found a tree that wasn't supposed to be there :confused:. Lost one gimbal rubber mount, a couple props, and I think it's called a 'folding arm bracket'. Does this need to go back to Yuneec for fixing?

When I was trying to locate the downed H the ST-16 screen kept flashing something like "five motor mode, land as soon as possible". And the screen would go dim every time it appeared. I'd click 'ok' and just about be able to copy down the coordinates when the message would flash again. Is there a way to make that message quit reappearing every few seconds so that I can actually use the screen for information gathering?

And is it just my browser or what's with the low resolution pics of parts on the Yuneec site? I can hardly tell what something is when I click on the individual item hoping to get a better look at the part I think I'm looking for. Any input appreciated..... thanks!!
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I just went through the same thing, only I broke two arms and one landing leg as well as the top cover. Do yourself a favor and check out Vertigo Drones. I got my parts from them. Their website was easy to navigate and they had what I needed right in stock. There are a couple of good videos on youtube showing how to replace these.
First off, is it under warranty and would Yuneec cover the repair or is this all on you?

Most parts can be purchased. Take a look at the search link below. There are several videos on fixing broken arms as well as where to buy parts. After watching the videos you should be able to determine if this is something you want to tackle.
Personally I would but that's me. I love figuring out how things work and fixing my stuff.
Thanks both of you. No, this is on me for sure and after watching the video I'm sure it's within my capacity. I'll take it apart first in the case I break something else before ordering parts. Was hoping to be able to just replace the plastic end as it seems everything else is ok.
The H is very repairable. The hardest part sometimes is pulling the motor leads off from the main ESC board. That arm is purchased easily from Vertigo. Make sure you get A or B depending on which one broke. I’d buy one with the motor in it already and keep the old one as a spare.

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