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Question re. Motors

Oct 7, 2016
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i just received my Typhoon H from a reputable hobby store as an open-box and unfortunately a couple of switches broke on the ST16 in shipping, so I am about to send it back for replacement (which they have been really great about), but in the meantime I place the TH on my patio to connect to satellites and make sure that it did all that correctly.

With no propellers on, after it acquired the minimum number of satellites, I fired up the motors and then spooled them up (mind you with no propellers) and almost immediately it gave me a warning that one motor had failed and to land immediately. Since it wasn't actually flying I just throttled down and then shut off the motors. The alarm kept ringing until I powered down the TH and the ST16.

I restarted everything and ran through the sequence again and with the same results. Now I am wondering if I need to send both back, rather than just the ST16.

Any thoughts?


Others have reported the same results for H's that are good. Probably nothing to worry about.
Others have reported the same results for H's that are good. Probably nothing to worry about.

Completely normal, with no props on the quad tries to stabilise itself, but doesn't move so one motor will stop trying to compensate and you'll get the 5 motor error. It will be fine with props don't worry. To make the message go away press the return button on the remote. No need to restart everything.
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after a ascent into the sky and fixing Typnon H one position it is stable. But after some time begins to lose its the stability and whirls. why does it happen?? Latest firmware of is installed.
after a ascent into the sky and fixing Typnon H one position it is stable. But after some time begins to lose its the stability and whirls. why does it happen?? Latest firmware of is installed.

By whirls I assume you mean the 'toilet bowl' syndrome. Recalibrate compass and accelerometer and that should fix it.
Completely normal, with no props on the quad tries to stabilise itself, but doesn't move so one motor will stop trying to compensate and you'll get the 5 motor error. It will be fine with props don't worry. To make the message go away press the return button on the remote. No need to restart everything.

Thanks for the information! Puts my mind at ease for when the controller comes back and actually trying to fly this aircraft.

By whirls I assume you mean the 'toilet bowl' syndrome. Recalibrate compass and accelerometer and that should fix it.
Just before flight everything was calibrated. This effect appears not at once, only after some time of flight. why does it happen?
Just before flight everything was calibrated. This effect appears not at once, only after some time of flight. why does it happen?

Check your telemetry data for compass errors, these can often pop up after some time and won't necessarily start straight away.
Is it malfunction of the equipment or imperfection of the program?

Can be either. The latest software is supposed to help with these compass errors people have been getting. Some have sent them back to yuneec and had compass/GPS board changed out because it was a hardware error. Other people have just had to recalibrate until it's right (sometimes calibration would pass but it's actually not a great calibration and they'd get toilet bowl). Just make sure you do calibrations in an open field with no metal objects (keys phones watches) anywhere near you.
did anybody have the flights in a closed room without a GPS signal? Is that possible? what kind of difficulties?
I am saddened why the do not is set the standard firmware if previously was installed European :-(
When shipped the aircraft must comply with area regulations. What you do with it after taking possession is up to you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hello. I need to change the the firmware to the standard. Installing STD firmware (A) does not help. What should I do?
Is it malfunction of the equipment or imperfection of the program?
when you calibrate: make sure you are at least 11 ft, / 4m away from your cell phone, GPS watches, or sources of great magnetic interference, in the ground or above. Stand facing magnetic North, rotate the copter 60 deg left when the lights flash per instructions and complete calibration. Afterwards, place copter on level surface, and calibrate accelerometer, and gimbal.
After calibration, first flight make sure copter has GPS and GPS locked, about 5 minutes to be sure and then fly. This should clear any problems; if not, send back to Yuneec.
what you are describing are calibration and accelerometer errors. Calibration needs to be done after any firmware update, relocate the copter about 60 km; and anytime these symptoms reoccur. However, once done and working, should hold and there shouldn't be a need for constant re-calibrations. That's why if this erratic behavior re-occurs, send it back to Yuneec.
Pre updated firmware on ST16 were: (ST16 V3.1.23.yuneec) on Nove, was: (ST16_V3.1.25.yuneec), the update was successful.
Then when you try to replace the old firmware geksakoptera: (TyphoonH_Ver2.25_E) on the new firmware: (TyphoonH_Ver3.0_A) Failed:
Indicator ST 16, it was evident that the update succeeds, then left a message on the successful installation and to restart
apparatus Typhoon H. Pressing the button off, for the production of a reboot, no response was forthcoming, turn off the failed drone lights burned cleanly. The only way to turn off the equipment - to remove the battery.
After re-enable initialization of the drone did not occur, the LEDs do not light up, the rear light on drone body burns dim blue light, fans Coupling systems work, communication Drona and ST16 is not installed, the connection is established only with photo camera image from the camera is transmitted to the ST 16 display.

Turn off the drone can only pull the battery.

I need to take to restore the system?

send me the instructions and the software to restore the system, please !!!

Typhoon H CMIIT ID: 2016DJ1693 ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B) FCC ID: 2ACS5-SR24 IC: 11554B-SR24 YU16301393B08A02
RealSense Can: ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B)
CGO3+ MAC:00E06D7204C8

ST16 (CMIT ID: 2016AJ1824 . FCC ID: 2ACS5-ST16 . CAN ICES-3(B/NMB-3(B) . IC: 11554B-ST16)

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