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Battery recharging

May 7, 2016
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Gurdon, Ar
I just recharged my two Typhoon H batteries has anyone had a problem getting the batteries to seat inin the charger? My first battery seated and charged up in approximately 45 minutes. However when I tried to recharge my second battery which I didn't think was all that discharged just the blinking green light was on. I had to push and wiggle and twist around the second battery before it would finally seat and recharge and that took almost an hour. Anyone else have this problem?
I just recharged my two Typhoon H batteries has anyone had a problem getting the batteries to seat inin the charger? My first battery seated and charged up in approximately 45 minutes. However when I tried to recharge my second battery which I didn't think was all that discharged just the blinking green light was on. I had to push and wiggle and twist around the second battery before it would finally seat and recharge and that took almost an hour. Anyone else have this problem?
My friend, They do sometimes have a tough time sliding right in, sloppy cheap designed charging dock! Also, after charging one battery, it tends to get warm and swell and make the next battery harder to slide in. I do sometimes have to even unplug it and plug it back in to get the correct light configuration to start the charging
Also I have found that anything above 95% charge on a battery, does not "top off" charge some of the times? :eek:
No issues with the OEM charger or plugging in. I run my batteries down to 14.3 volts, it take almost 90 minutes to fully charge them...
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Had similar problem, a dab of dielectric grease on the main battery contacts solved it.
But then I do not use the Yuneec charger anymore.
Thanks DC your input is always helpful. I don't know if I want to put preparation H on my charger. LOL
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You are just too funny my friend.
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I must have one of the "sloppy" chargers. It is difficult almost every time to plug in my batteries, I have to get it just perfect the put a lot of pressure to get it to start charging. Some times it works, some times it doesnt. To charge a battery from about 14.5 takes almost two full hours for me. I can't wait until we get some aftermarket batteries and I can use a real charger.
Hi All, I have also had the same problem but my battery was flashing Blue which is error however it all had to do with seating in the cradle.
I totally agree with DroneClone.
I was surprised with the cheap approach by Yuneec for charging but the rest is great so no complaining on my part.
Cheers, JV
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I must have one of the "sloppy" chargers. It is difficult almost every time to plug in my batteries, I have to get it just perfect the put a lot of pressure to get it to start charging. Some times it works, some times it doesnt. To charge a battery from about 14.5 takes almost two full hours for me. I can't wait until we get some aftermarket batteries and I can use a real charger.
just buy charger connector or disassembly yours org charger and desolder connector and use with diferent balance charger ,or just DIY one Yuneec Typhoon H Charging Jig by brentd Yuneec Typhoon H Battery Adaptor by treb63
I just recharged my two Typhoon H batteries has anyone had a problem getting the batteries to seat inin the charger? My first battery seated and charged up in approximately 45 minutes. However when I tried to recharge my second battery which I didn't think was all that discharged just the blinking green light was on. I had to push and wiggle and twist around the second battery before it would finally seat and recharge and that took almost an hour. Anyone else have this problem?
Making those connections on the charger are not easy. I'm concerned I can damage the terminals on the battery. I'm just very careful and allow them to merge slowly. Not crazy about the battery design.

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