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Apr 2, 2020
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I bought a used Q500 4k. It had the quick start pamphlet and no other instructions. I watched several videos and thought I had a basic understanding of what to expect. I turned it on in the backyard and started it up. The grass was about 6 inches and touching the camera and so the camera could not turn. I thought I would just take it up about a foot and then set it down. It went up a foot but then it started bouncing two or three feet up and down and to the right and left. I hit the off button and it landed. I started it up again and this time it bounced up and down and came straight towards me real fast. It bounced hit the ground flipped and broke all the propellers. Is this normal of what to expect for the first 15 seconds of flight? I had let it set about 10 minutes before taking off to prepare myself and to let it find satellites.
Welcome to YuneecPilots be it under less than favorable conditions.

I attached the full user manual to this post it will help.

For your next flights remove the camera and get used to taking off and landing and doing simple box flights. Do not use Smart mode to learn flying the Q500. Although it is called Smart it is really not a good way to start. Use the Angle mode and picture yourself sitting in it like a pilot in an airplane.

When you take off do not creep it up off of the ground, do so with purpose and let it hover around 10 feet or so. When you land pause at about 10 feet and let the aircraft stabilize position, then gently lower the aircraft barely correcting with the right stick. Once in the ground keep the left stick full down and the right stick neutral until the props lower to idle speed. Then use the Start/stop button to stop the motors.

Your plight was most likely just not being familiar with the system. Good luck as you move forward in ownership.


  • q500_4k_user_manual.pdf
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Thanks, I ordered a new set of propellers and will try again in two weeks. I do have another question about the ST 10+ control box. It has four little black arrow buttons. I've marked them with colored arrows. Are they just for decoration? The three I have marked with red arrows are apparently stuck fast. The one I've marked with an orange arrow clicks real easily in the left direction, but the right direction will click but not come back up unless I press the other side (the left arrow.) I thought perhaps they were for fine tuning of the controls maybe? If they are supposed to be moveable and not just decorations could that cause my problem? Again when I took off I just pushed it up and then did not hit any joysticks the drone just started bouncing all over on its own, from the videos I watched I expected it to hover in place. Thanks for all the help.

And one last question. The Q500 came with two batteries. One of them the labels are flat smooth to the battery. The other one is real puffy under the decals on both sides. The two batteries are from two different manufacturers. Are some batteries supposed to be puffy?


  • st10plus.jpg
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Their function is not defined in the User Manual. I believe they are non functional. It would be a good idea to go into the Flight Settings and open the Hardware Monitor. You can check to be sure your switches, buttons, sliders, and sticks all react properly.

With the sticks give them a good stir and then move them and observe that they follow your movements without lag or stuttering. Also ensure they return to the null position. If they do not perform well look for the ST-10+ cleaning instructions in the sticky threads at the beginning of the Q500 forums. Dirty potentiometers can also cause troubles like you experienced.
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the drone just started bouncing all over on its own
That is common when the Q500 is close to the ground. It's called ground effect. It's caused by the prop wash hitting the ground and swirling back up to the aircraft. You must take off and land with authority. A timid takeoff will often result in poor performance. As Doom has mentioned, removing the camera is best until you get a feel for launch and landing. And it's also good practice to stay back about 30' when you launch.
And one last question. The Q500 came with two batteries. One of them the labels are flat smooth to the battery. The other one is real puffy under the decals on both sides. The two batteries are from two different manufacturers. Are some batteries supposed to be puffy?

LiPo batteries should NOT be puffy.

If there is a lot of give when pressing on the battery label, it could be a matter of the label becoming distorted from the heating and cooling that happens with use and cool down. However, this is NOT to imply a battery in such a condition is perfectly safe.

If the puffiness is solid, time to get rid of that battery, safely.

Do some searches LiPo Battery Care, both in this site and Google. Learn up on LiPo care. It is a must for anyone handling and using these batteries.

Here is such a thread, in this site, to get you started.
Thanks @NorWiscPilot for observing the OP’s last question. Don’t know how I missed that one, so important!
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Thank you for all the replies. I have new propellers coming and I will look into finding a larger area to fly it. I may have to wait until the shelter in place order is lifted. I am so glad I found your online community.

I've had a few toy drones so I thought the Q500 would react similarly and the ground effect would be similar to what was shown in the review videos. Totally different animal all together. I can't wait to learn how to handle it properly.
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I've had a few toy drones so I thought the Q500 would react similarly
The Q has 13" props which are quite large for this size drone. That allows them to run at a slower speed and results in less noise. But it also seems to increase the ground effect. Once you get a feel for it you will love flying this bird.

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