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Breeze sub

Mar 10, 2019
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Hello I'm new to the group, a few days ago lost contact with breeze and it hit the water and sank 15 feet to the bottom it is very clean clear water from a limerock quarry that is now a nature preserve it was on the bottom about 4 or five minutes I have dried out the drone and battery but the battery will not charge just a blue flashing light on charger so i ordered a new battery on Amazon and its fully charged...I guess my question to the group is what should I do next? Put it in the drone and try to power it up or wait and do something else first? Thank you
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First of all, welcome to YuneecPilots.com!
This is a great forum with tons of information and a great worldwide community of Yuneec pilots both hobbyist and commercial.

I’m assuming your Breeze has been drying for a few days since you ordered and received a new Breeze battery. If you are quite certain the insides of the Breeze are totally dry you can insert the battery and try powering it on and see what happens. Just be ready to pull the battery quickly if things don’t look or smell right (electronics don’t work well if you let the magic smoke out).

If you get the happy tone on startup and can connect, go to Tasks and see what the Status icons on the upper right show you. If they all look normal try taking off and hovering at about 10 feet. If that goes well try flying a out and back, side to side, yawing left and right, and ascending and descending to test all of your controls.

For the battery that took a swim, it is likely ruined, but if you have a voltmeter check the voltages if each cell. See this for more information Battery blinking blue light.
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Reactions: Prayingdsr and PatR
Thank you for the reply and info, unfortunately I think my breeze is crispy fried☹ I put the new battery in and powered it up and started seeing light blue smoke and burning smell so I took out battery and waited a few minutes and it powered up but didn't smoke so I connected it my laptop and was able to download the last video but for some reason the video quit right before the plunge?? But anyway I got it to go online with 15 satellites so I tried to lift off but nothing it went straight to camera and the bottom was very hot and it was draining the new battery fast I mean you could see the numbers going down 89 88,87, so should I get another breeze and use this for parts or do you recommend something else? And thanks so much for your input.
If the Breeze is still in warranty, I would contact Yuneec CS and file a warranty claim. On losing connectivity the Breeze should have maintained a hover for 30 seconds then returned to home.

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