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Camera tilt related to compass?

Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
Lake Havasu, AZ
I have the intermittent camera tilt. Just by chance I happened to yaw the quad 360 degrees and it seemed to me that it was level when the camera was facing north and south. With this is mind I decided to perform another compass cal. This seemed to solve the problem so far, (only 3 flights). Has anyone else yawed their quad to see it the view levels out or does it stay the same?

I had that issue at first, but i did the gimbal calibration on a level surface and it fixed it.
There is a gimbal calibration on the control you need to perform on a flat surface. Its simple click thengps button on the right and a menu shows up...it says accelerometer, compass, and gimbal do gimbal.
There is a gimbal calibration on the control you need to perform on a flat surface. Its simple click thengps button on the right and a menu shows up...it says accelerometer, compass, and gimbal do gimbal.
what button you mean?
Are you sure that we are talking about the same system? Typhoon Q500 4K and ST10+ control.
I have "calibration" menu under the settings but I have only compass and accelerometer - no gimbal.
It's on the ST10+ too. I did mine with my quad hooked up to my MacBook Pro and GUI application. Read You Manual People. :)
I have the intermittent camera tilt. Just by chance I happened to yaw the quad 360 degrees and it seemed to me that it was level when the camera was facing north and south. With this is mind I decided to perform another compass cal. This seemed to solve the problem so far, (only 3 flights). Has anyone else yawed their quad to see it the view levels out or does it stay the same?


Well the intermittent tilt is still there. If I reboot the quad it corrects. I hate to send everything back to YUNEEC but I have to have this corrected. Has anyone solved this or send it back?
Hate To Admit I'm A DRONE-NEWBE, have tilting gimbel problem, can't figure out why you have to calibrate something that has no controls. A retired security cctv company owner my cameras were called pan/tilt with controls, these cameras are only tilt with no panning controls. I know one more control to screw up but it comes with the territory. Why couldn't they include a GYRO, we pay enough. I see so many differant model gimbels for same drone, also why don't they have QC before shipping. Even tho NEWBE I still having fun with it I don't want to send it back for repairs.
It's on the ST10+ too. I did mine with my quad hooked up to my MacBook Pro and GUI application. Read You Manual People. :)
Two questions: My Q500 4k camera is panned about 10 degrees port/left but does auto-level (parallel to horizon) fine. Anyone experiencing that? Yuneec Tech today said try detaching and physically move gimbal/camera several times across each axis' full extents. Will try. Other question is about the Mac GUI. I've downloaded loaded and uninstalled several times but it won't launch. Hangs and generates Apple report. MacBook Pro 16G 2014 and I run lots of programs but this one doesn't fire up. Trying one of my Win7 and Win10 machines next. Any thoughts on the MBP would be appreciated, though. Also, Yuneec site still down today with bad certificate but they're answering phones and helpful.
I have the intermittent camera tilt. Just by chance I happened to yaw the quad 360 degrees and it seemed to me that it was level when the camera was facing north and south. With this is mind I decided to perform another compass cal. This seemed to solve the problem so far, (only 3 flights). Has anyone else yawed their quad to see it the view levels out or does it stay the same?


UPDATE: I sent the Q back under warranty and after about 4weeks it was returned from Yuneec. I also had them update the software.It seems the latest is 29 as that is what is installed. Everything works great! Looks like a happy ending.
I received a new camera a few weeks back and everything was fine for several flights. I took the camera off for use on the Steady Grip when I put the camera back on the drone I had a tilt. I back tracked my steps and the only thing I did was take the camera off and put it back on...so I took it back off and made sure when I put it back on I had a good connection and that was it no more tilt. I EVEN took it off again and put it on again and didn't shove it on with authority like I had in the past and I got another tilt, took if off and put it on with authority and it worked fine. For me it was just a matter of putting it on with a good connection. Hope that made since as it works good for me.
I received a new camera a few weeks back and everything was fine for several flights. I took the camera off for use on the Steady Grip when I put the camera back on the drone I had a tilt. I back tracked my steps and the only thing I did was take the camera off and put it back on...so I took it back off and made sure when I put it back on I had a good connection and that was it no more tilt. I EVEN took it off again and put it on again and didn't shove it on with authority like I had in the past and I got another tilt, took if off and put it on with authority and it worked fine. For me it was just a matter of putting it on with a good connection. Hope that made since as it works good for me.

I have had the same issue, I just did a recallibration of the ST-10, it's simple and fixes it each time. As I stated in my rant with fast growth of a company somethings are left out. If you run into trouble just YouTube recalibrate your st10. You might want to do it preflight as I recommend recalibration of you Q prior to each flight.
Good luck hope it was useful.
Hey guys,
If I may, I'll add to Frodoe's reply by adding another tip. Disconnecting the camera leaves the terminals open, so I'll clean the inside of the cover that is attached to the bottom of the quad with a little compressed air or a q-tip with a dab of water. Then when its time to put the camera back on the quad I use a q-tip with a dab of 91% Isopropyl Alcohol to clean the cameras terminal and underneath the quad. I live in a windy desert and started using alcohol on certain electrical components a long time ago.

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