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Check List - Q500

Steve Carr

Missed Approach
Staff member
Premium Pilot
Dec 15, 2015
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Bessemer, MI
Q500 Check List

Install a sd card under the battery on the ST10. That is where the telemetry is stored and you must have it for any warranty claims. It's also stores the GPS record of the flight so it you lose the bird in the distance, those coordinates will help you find it later.

Batteries must be fully charged on the Q and ST10.

Install an sd card in the camera. It needs to be rated at U3 (a 3 inside of the U). 16GB is large enough to record several complete flights.

Set the Q on flat ground with no concrete, steel buildings, underground wires or overhead wires anywhere close.

Install the props until they hit the o-ring and then tighten an additional 1 to 1-1/2 turns. Don't over tighten.

Turn on the ST10, then reach under the Q and turn it on. Don't touch it again until it is fully booted. On your first flight you need to let the Q just sit, with the motors off, for 13 minutes while the GPS updates. After that it only takes a couple of minutes to get a good GPS fix.

Check all your switches on the ST10. Stay back 30' from the Q and press the arm button (Big Red). You have to be in Smart or Angle mode to start the motors. They will not start in Home. When the motors start the altitude resets to zero. Look at all the telemetry on the screen to make sure everything looks normal. If you are in Angle mode the Q status light should be purple with a white flash. In Smart mode, green with a white flash.

Start the video recording. (I record the whole flight. Too many times I forgot to hit record after getting airborne.)

Take off in full throttle up to 10-15' and let it hover. Don't baby the takeoff or it will tip over. Try left, right, back, forward and see that the Q moves as it should. If you see any problems at any time, land immediately.

Stay away from everything...........trees are not your friend. If you feel panic, let go of the sticks. If something doesn't feel right switch to home and let it land. Note: it is not going to land where it took off. It's going to land about 15' in front of the ST10 in a straight line of flight.

Prepare to land: bring the Q back closer and rotate until the camera is facing away from you.

When landing manually, come down to about 8-12" off the ground. It might bob up and down a bit. Then press and hold Big Red until the motors stop. This is a good way to land without damaging anything. It will settle straight down and make a nice landing.

Stop the video recording.

sdc 8/5/2017
Q500 Check List

Install a sd card under the battery on the ST10. That is where the telemetry is stored and you must have it for any warranty claims. It's also stores the GPS record of the flight so it you lose the bird in the distance, those coordinates will help you find it later.

Batteries must be fully charged on the Q and ST10.

Install an sd card in the camera. It needs to be rated at U3 (a 3 inside of the U). 16GB is large enough to record several complete flights.

Set the Q on flat ground with no concrete, steel buildings, underground wires or overhead wires anywhere close.

Install the props until they hit the o-ring and then tighten an additional 1 to 1-1/2 turns. Don't over tighten.

Turn on the ST10, then reach under the Q and turn it on. Don't touch it again until it is fully booted. On your first flight you need to let the Q just sit, with the motors off, for 13 minutes while the GPS updates. After that it only takes a couple of minutes to get a good GPS fix.

Check all your switches on the ST10. Stay back 30' from the Q and press the arm button (Big Red). You have to be in Smart of Angle mode to start the motors. They will not start in Home. When the motors start the altitude resets to zero. Look at all the telemetry on the screen to make sure everything looks normal. If you are in Angle mode the Q status light should be purple with a white flash. In Smart mode, green with a white flash.

Start the video recording. (I record the whole flight. Too many times I forgot to hit record after getting airborne.)

Take off in full throttle up to 10-15' and let it hover. Don't baby the takeoff or it will tip over. Try left, right, back, forward and see that the Q moves as it should. If you see any problems at any time, land immediately.

Stay away from everything...........trees are not your friend. If you feel panic, let go of the sticks. If something doesn't feel right switch to home and let it land. Note: it is not going to land where it took off. It's going to land about 15' in front of the ST10 in a straight line of flight.

Prepare to land: bring the Q back closer and rotate until the camera is facing away from you.

When landing manually, come down to about 8-12" off the ground. It might bob up and down a bit. Then press and hold Big Red until the motors stop. This is a good way to land without damaging anything. It will settle straight down and make a nice landing.

Stop the video recording.

sdc 8/5/2017
I read your checklist but it seems to conflict with the instructions I have in front of me.
1. You say to take off at full power. The instructions are telling me to 'slowly raise the left hand stick to slightly above the centre position.
2. You are saying to push the red button to land.Yuneec are saying to lower the drone to the ground and push the red button for two seconds to cut the motors.

I am a bit conflicted with this.
I am a bit conflicted with this.
Yeah, the owners manual has never been updated since the Q was released in 2014. Most of what you see in the checklist is from experience. A timid takeoff can end up flipping the Q on it's side which I mention on that line.
Landings can be tricky. Trying to land by holding the throttle all the way down and keeping it there until you press the red button works most of the time, but not always. The prop wash hitting the ground creates an air cushion which tends to make the Q bounce around. It's called ground effect. It's not unusual for the Q to touch down and then tip over because of this. Since the motors are still turning you are guaranteed to break at least one prop. Holding down the red button eliminates the ground effect and allows the Q to settle very smoothly. Try it both ways, but be sure to have extra props on hand. I have taught this method many times and those who use it are much happier pilots.
When landing manually, come down to about 8-12" off the ground. It might bob up and down a bit. Then press and hold Big Red until the motors stop
I've not tried this...
It sounds like your saying to get the drone as much as a foot high and stop the motors, letting the drone fall to the ground. Is that right ? Doesn't sound like something you would advise. lol
Will it settle to the ground on it's own and then shut down ?
I've not tried this...
It sounds like your saying to get the drone as much as a foot high and stop the motors, letting the drone fall to the ground. Is that right ? Doesn't sound like something you would advise. lol
Will it settle to the ground on it's own and then shut down ?
I know it sounds strange and you would expect it to slam into the ground. It doesn't. It appears the motors actually slow down before stopping which allows the Q to set down gently but firmly. Don't try this too high up but when it's close to the ground it works great. Been doing it for a couple of years. The H does the same thing but you can usually get the H a little lower first. You MUST hold the red button down until the motors stop. If you let up on the button it will take off again.
I know it sounds strange and you would expect it to slam into the ground. It doesn't.

Just to reinforce this advise......Steve is correct. It is how I land my Q5004k. I get it to about 12" off ground and kill the power.

Another option that was found out by one of the Typhoon H owners has to do with just tapping the RED BUTTON for a second. Or in rapid succession several times. It will REDUCE power for a second allowing the bird to descend some. Next time you are out and about to land try it. I tapped the button two or three times then on the last tap I just held the button down to land. I was only about 12" off the ground when I did this.
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I tried it and it worked great. Not sure I would want to try it from any higher than a foot or so but it worked well and I'll try it some more in the future.
I'll tell ya, the pucker factor was high when I pressed the motor stop button for the first time while still in the air.
That was a first for me. But the Q settled just fine to the ground.
You learn something new all the time.
Thanks Steve.
I believe there is a difference between the Q500 and the H when landing using Big Red. The H will drop a few inches with each press of the button. I don't think the Q500 will do that. That's why you need to be 12" or lower.
Q500 Check List

Install a sd card under the battery on the ST10. That is where the telemetry is stored and you must have it for any warranty claims. It's also stores the GPS record of the flight so it you lose the bird in the distance, those coordinates will help you find it later.

Batteries must be fully charged on the Q and ST10.

Install an sd card in the camera. It needs to be rated at U3 (a 3 inside of the U). 16GB is large enough to record several complete flights.

Set the Q on flat ground with no concrete, steel buildings, underground wires or overhead wires anywhere close.

Install the props until they hit the o-ring and then tighten an additional 1 to 1-1/2 turns. Don't over tighten.

Turn on the ST10, then reach under the Q and turn it on. Don't touch it again until it is fully booted. On your first flight you need to let the Q just sit, with the motors off, for 13 minutes while the GPS updates. After that it only takes a couple of minutes to get a good GPS fix.

Check all your switches on the ST10. Stay back 30' from the Q and press the arm button (Big Red). You have to be in Smart of Angle mode to start the motors. They will not start in Home. When the motors start the altitude resets to zero. Look at all the telemetry on the screen to make sure everything looks normal. If you are in Angle mode the Q status light should be purple with a white flash. In Smart mode, green with a white flash.

Start the video recording. (I record the whole flight. Too many times I forgot to hit record after getting airborne.)

Take off in full throttle up to 10-15' and let it hover. Don't baby the takeoff or it will tip over. Try left, right, back, forward and see that the Q moves as it should. If you see any problems at any time, land immediately.

Stay away from everything...........trees are not your friend. If you feel panic, let go of the sticks. If something doesn't feel right switch to home and let it land. Note: it is not going to land where it took off. It's going to land about 15' in front of the ST10 in a straight line of flight.

Prepare to land: bring the Q back closer and rotate until the camera is facing away from you.

When landing manually, come down to about 8-12" off the ground. It might bob up and down a bit. Then press and hold Big Red until the motors stop. This is a good way to land without damaging anything. It will settle straight down and make a nice landing.

Stop the video recording.

sdc 8/5/2017

Great advice [emoji4]
Thanks, Ken N
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The ideal solution is an elevated platform that has a lot of holes in it, but enough surface area to land on. This eliminates ground effect altogether. We've been using an old ragged charcoal grill that has a tray that can be removed, and also doubles as the bottom. It's about 30" tall, at least, and has an 18"x24" top, and landings are flawless. Cheap grills are cheap, so you could get one of those little round jobbies and bust out the bottom if needed.

I'm going to build a purpose-built platform though:
3 feet of ~1"-1.5" diameter PVC pipe
A wide base of some sort (Christmas tree stand, old pedestal fan base, etc)
A 20x20 piece of plastic latticework mounted to a PVC sleeve that fits over the top of the pipe

The hard part will be finding some lattice that has small enough holes to prevent the landing gear from falling through, but not having so much surface area that I still get ground effect. There use to be a honeycomb-style lattice many decades ago, but I haven't seen any since the 80s lol
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Great checklist. I love it. I would like to follow up with a few questions however

1. Letting the quad sit for 13+ minutes prior to the first flight to allow GPS update is something New to me. Do you recommend that this be done only once or should it be repeated? Maybe after each compass calibration...?

2. Since calibration was not explicitly mentioned in your checklist, how often do you recommend users recalibrate the compass and accelerometer?
Great checklist. I love it. I would like to follow up with a few questions however

1. Letting the quad sit for 13+ minutes prior to the first flight to allow GPS update is something New to me. Do you recommend that this be done only once or should it be repeated? Maybe after each compass calibration...?

2. Since calibration was not explicitly mentioned in your checklist, how often do you recommend users recalibrate the compass and accelerometer?
The Q500 is much less sensitive to the compass calibration. Many people have never calibrated it. The accelerometer should be done once and then only after a crash. The GPS is less critical as well. Allow about 5 min on the first flight of the day before you start the motors.
The Q500 is much less sensitive to the compass calibration. Many people have never calibrated it. The accelerometer should be done once and then only after a crash. The GPS is less critical as well. Allow about 5 min on the first flight of the day before you start the motors.
Thank you!
Q500 Check List

Install a sd card under the battery on the ST10. That is where the telemetry is stored and you must have it for any warranty claims. It's also stores the GPS record of the flight so it you lose the bird in the distance, those coordinates will help you find it later.

Batteries must be fully charged on the Q and ST10.

Install an sd card in the camera. It needs to be rated at U3 (a 3 inside of the U). 16GB is large enough to record several complete flights.

Set the Q on flat ground with no concrete, steel buildings, underground wires or overhead wires anywhere close.

Install the props until they hit the o-ring and then tighten an additional 1 to 1-1/2 turns. Don't over tighten.

Turn on the ST10, then reach under the Q and turn it on. Don't touch it again until it is fully booted. On your first flight you need to let the Q just sit, with the motors off, for 13 minutes while the GPS updates. After that it only takes a couple of minutes to get a good GPS fix.

Check all your switches on the ST10. Stay back 30' from the Q and press the arm button (Big Red). You have to be in Smart or Angle mode to start the motors. They will not start in Home. When the motors start the altitude resets to zero. Look at all the telemetry on the screen to make sure everything looks normal. If you are in Angle mode the Q status light should be purple with a white flash. In Smart mode, green with a white flash.

Start the video recording. (I record the whole flight. Too many times I forgot to hit record after getting airborne.)

Take off in full throttle up to 10-15' and let it hover. Don't baby the takeoff or it will tip over. Try left, right, back, forward and see that the Q moves as it should. If you see any problems at any time, land immediately.

Stay away from everything...........trees are not your friend. If you feel panic, let go of the sticks. If something doesn't feel right switch to home and let it land. Note: it is not going to land where it took off. It's going to land about 15' in front of the ST10 in a straight line of flight.

Prepare to land: bring the Q back closer and rotate until the camera is facing away from you.

When landing manually, come down to about 8-12" off the ground. It might bob up and down a bit. Then press and hold Big Red until the motors stop. This is a good way to land without damaging anything. It will settle straight down and make a nice landing.

Stop the video recording.

sdc 8/5/2017
Which format do I need to do on my SD card ex fat or fat 32
Q500 Check List

Install a sd card under the battery on the ST10. That is where the telemetry is stored and you must have it for any warranty claims. It's also stores the GPS record of the flight so it you lose the bird in the distance, those coordinates will help you find it later.

Batteries must be fully charged on the Q and ST10.

Install an sd card in the camera. It needs to be rated at U3 (a 3 inside of the U). 16GB is large enough to record several complete flights.

Set the Q on flat ground with no concrete, steel buildings, underground wires or overhead wires anywhere close.

Install the props until they hit the o-ring and then tighten an additional 1 to 1-1/2 turns. Don't over tighten.

Turn on the ST10, then reach under the Q and turn it on. Don't touch it again until it is fully booted. On your first flight you need to let the Q just sit, with the motors off, for 13 minutes while the GPS updates. After that it only takes a couple of minutes to get a good GPS fix.

Check all your switches on the ST10. Stay back 30' from the Q and press the arm button (Big Red). You have to be in Smart or Angle mode to start the motors. They will not start in Home. When the motors start the altitude resets to zero. Look at all the telemetry on the screen to make sure everything looks normal. If you are in Angle mode the Q status light should be purple with a white flash. In Smart mode, green with a white flash.

Start the video recording. (I record the whole flight. Too many times I forgot to hit record after getting airborne.)

Take off in full throttle up to 10-15' and let it hover. Don't baby the takeoff or it will tip over. Try left, right, back, forward and see that the Q moves as it should. If you see any problems at any time, land immediately.

Stay away from everything...........trees are not your friend. If you feel panic, let go of the sticks. If something doesn't feel right switch to home and let it land. Note: it is not going to land where it took off. It's going to land about 15' in front of the ST10 in a straight line of flight.

Prepare to land: bring the Q back closer and rotate until the camera is facing away from you.

When landing manually, come down to about 8-12" off the ground. It might bob up and down a bit. Then press and hold Big Red until the motors stop. This is a good way to land without damaging anything. It will settle straight down and make a nice landing.

Stop the video recording.

sdc 8/5/2017
I'm sorry the one under the battery on the control not the 1 on the camera

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