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Clicking sound?

May 27, 2023
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I had a GPS acquiring issue which I traced to the on-board GPS battery. I have replaced the battery and GPS acquires very quickly now. However, since reassembling the drone I have a clicking sound coming from the rear of the drone, and I cannot trace it to anything. I have no error warnings, everything seems to be ok - any ideas?
I had a GPS acquiring issue which I traced to the on-board GPS battery. I have replaced the battery and GPS acquires very quickly now. However, since reassembling the drone I have a clicking sound coming from the rear of the drone, and I cannot trace it to anything. I have no error warnings, everything seems to be ok - any ideas?
It might help to know more about the clicking sound;
1.) Does the sound occur if the controller is turned off?
2.) Is the sound fairly loud, fast and obtrusive?
3.) Is the sound soft, faint and hard to hear unless you are at certain angles to the drone?
4.) Do you hear it before starting motors?
5.) Will the motors start?
6.) Do you hear it with the motors running?
The sound usually comes as a reflected wave from the sonar for obstacle avoidance. In the closed room with a few pieces of furniture, it is loud enough.
It appears to be the landing gear, only one side partially retracts, the other does not move. Currently stripping it back down...
It appears to be the landing gear, only one side partially retracts, the other does not move. Currently stripping it back down...
IF either of the landing gear has a jam type problem, it prevents both from operating. It is almost always a good idea to determine which gear is the problem, or if both are damaged. There are a couple of ways to check, but the easiest might be to test them while you have them off the drone.
You can use a 9 volt battery and some cables to check the individual landing gear, one at a time, when not installed in the drone. See this video at about 9 minutes 43 seconds:
IF either of the landing gear has a jam type problem, it prevents both from operating. It is almost always a good idea to determine which gear is the problem, or if both are damaged. There are a couple of ways to check, but the easiest might be to test them while you have them off the drone.
You can use a 9 volt battery and some cables to check the individual landing gear, one at a time, when not installed in the drone. See this video at about 9 minutes 43 seconds:

The landing gear is very similar to that on my Tarot 680 hex, so shouldn't prove to be a problem. What threw me was the fact the issue only started after I reassembled the drone post replacing the GPS board battery.
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