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different camera thread or lack of

Jun 23, 2016
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Since i just got my new H Pro, i checked the pictures and found the unfocused pictures and video. It appears that the focus is about 2 feet. Since I could not get to yuneec because of the webpage outage.
i ordered the new 8 x f3 lens from peau, but it won't be in until mid october. I decided to adjust the one i had.
Much to my surprise, the lens has a 12mm thread, the barrel is 13mm smooth bore. THis makes it problematic to adjust the focus length. Since I have voided my warranty, its my bad, but I hope someone fixes this issue.
regards in a yooneek way. Dick Bottos
20160919_183415.jpg 20160919_183401.jpg t be in until mid october. I decided to adjust the present lens for usage now.
Much to my surprise, (pix attached) the lens is not as in the fpv guy video. The lens has a 12mm thread, and is glued into a 13mm smoooooth barrel.20160919_183651.jpg
A smooth bore? Then that would mean that turning the lens to focus it should have no effect. Not only that, but a knock on the lens could put it in or out of focus.

Strange. Others on this forum have focused their lens by screwing it slightly in or out a partial turn.
Looks like you got screwed.....and im not trying to be disrespectful. Obviously thats a defective camera.

Bill W.
Good pun!!! The problem with the bore like that is when the glue was loosened, the lens fell out! The can't possibly be adjusted. The centralizing would have to have been done with a jig. I sent an e-mail suggesting the metric or us dimensions might be at fault. It appears to be 2 feet rather than 2m which would have been closer. I wonder if they will honor warranty since I took it apart?
Good pun!!! The problem with the bore like that is when the glue was loosened, the lens fell out! The can't possibly be adjusted. The centralizing would have to have been done with a jig. I sent an e-mail suggesting the metric or us dimensions might be at fault. It appears to be 2 feet rather than 2m which would have been closer. I wonder if they will honor warranty since I took it apart?
Idk...put it back together and play dumb....

Bill W.
Yuneec Typhoon Camera Extended Threaded Lens Mount – Peau Productions
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The mount I have does not need Teflon tap; the threads are tight for both OEM and aftermarket. It isn't difficult to cross thread and end up with the lens cocked.
They've changed the original design...they are no longer using the traditional M12 board lenses, they're now using a non threaded lens mount. So unless you've got an early release changing the lens is now more problematic. Not sure why they went that route other than supply shortage or cost savings. On another topic the new GoPro Karma is a quite a disappointment, it seems the manufacturers are unstandably aiming for high sales / low quality simple to operate drones. Perhaps once the market is flooded with those they will begin to address niche markets like those that photojournalists can use. I'm referring to smaller footprint rapidly deployable like the H but with a better camera. Thus far we're stuck with cell phone sensors and high field of view cheap lenses.
It looks like you could place an o-ring above and below the threads on the lens which would hold it place well enough to get it focused. Then re-glue it to the housing.
What awful design/engineering. I want to change my lens sometime soon. Richard Gilmore's supplier - Carlos can supply the PixAero lens with a complete lens holder mount that he says is easily fitted.
After each flight I simply unclip the gimbal/camera from the H to clean and get the SD card. I am just waiting for someone to fill the obvious hole of 'here is a gimbal and GoBetter camera' that simply slides in. Yuneec isn't hiding anything. When is it coming?
On another topic the new GoPro Karma is a quite a disappointment, it seems the manufacturers are unstandably aiming for high sales / low quality simple to operate drones.
Can you explain why you think the GoPro Karma is a disappointment? I just noticed it being announced today and I've been reading up about it. I would like to know your view on it. I feel "meh" about the H's camera so far.
Can you explain why you think the GoPro Karma is a disappointment? I just noticed it being announced today and I've been reading up about it. I would like to know your view on it. I feel "meh" about the H's camera so far.

From what I've read so far - No Follow Me or Watch Me modes, very basic automatic flight modes, no obstacle avoidance, no indoor navigation, unexceptional battery life. Size wise, it's a neither a full size drone nor a 'stick it in your bag' size - you still need a backpack, though they've done a lot to make it smaller than the YTH or P4 bags. By the time you've got the full kit, it's a lot of money. So is it a very expensive selfie drone or a very under-specced 'professional' drone?
A report on a similar issue with lens was reported a while ago but there was no thread on either the lens or the barrel.
The thread is here and the specific post is on the first page How to change lens on your H it appears Yuneec just change stuff about as they wish. I have not tried to re-focus mine yet as I have my flight test soon but I hope I have the threaded version

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