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Drone Typhoon H Aquiring

This is what the screen looks like after the model change and bind, the LED on the back of the drone is alternately flashing purple, red and green and the LEDs on the arms are flashing (aquiring - because I'm at home) and at this point the battery has discharged. After recharging again I will see what it looks like and write.


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This is what the screen looks like after the model change and bind, the LED on the back of the drone is alternately flashing purple, red and green and the LEDs on the arms are flashing (aquiring - because I'm at home) and at this point the battery has discharged. After recharging again I will see what it looks like and write.
Bardzo zachęcający postęp.
Czy dioda LED z tyłu drona stale miga na fioletowo/czerwono/zielono, czy też są to kolory, które widzisz (jeden po drugim) po przełączeniu przełącznika trybu?

Very encouraging progress.
Is the LED on the back of the drone flashing purple/red/green constantly or are these the colors you see (one at a time) when you change the Flight mode switch position?
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Charged in the batteries in the drone and in the camera I will be going flying this afternoon, we will see
Please let us know what you did differently to correct the problems. Knowing a final solution would be a benefit to anyone in the future who has the same problem.

Daj nam znać, co zrobiłeś inaczej, aby rozwiązać problemy. Znajomość ostatecznego rozwiązania byłaby korzystna dla każdego, kto w przyszłości będzie miał ten sam problem.
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And unfortunately a failure. There is no possibility to calibrate the compass, the drone catches satellites 12 but changes to 10 (open terrain), as inside the room appears under GPS- Acquiring, in addition to this you can not start the engines well and my favorite displays (standing on the ground) "Please land and Angle Mode immediately, then do compass calibration". The LED on the back of the drone flashes green and red quite quickly.
Now I don't really have any idea what to do next.
And unfortunately a failure. There is no possibility to calibrate the compass, the drone catches satellites 12 but changes to 10 (open terrain), as inside the room appears under GPS- Acquiring, in addition to this you can not start the engines well and my favorite displays (standing on the ground) "Please land and Angle Mode immediately, then do compass calibration". The LED on the back of the drone flashes green and red quite quickly.
Now I don't really have any idea what to do next.
The rear LED flashing Green and RED is related to compass calibration. If flashing about two times per second, it means you have entered the compass calibration mode. When you begin to flip the drone, the LED will start flashing at 5 times per second.

The continued GPS/compass problem implies one or more of the new components are faulty, or that there is corrosion on one or more of the connectors. The next thing I would try would be to disconnect the GPS module and the FC board, clean the connectors with a "plastic safe" contact cleaner,
(See image below)
Then try the compass calibration again. This video has subtitles available with Polish as an option:
(See link below)

Miganie tylnej diody LED na zielono i CZERWONO jest związane z kalibracją kompasu. Jeśli miga mniej więcej dwa razy na sekundę, oznacza to, że wszedłeś w tryb kalibracji kompasu. Kiedy zaczniesz obracać drona, dioda zacznie migać 5 razy na sekundę.

Ciągły problem z GPS/kompasem oznacza, że jeden lub więcej nowych elementów jest uszkodzonych lub że na jednym lub kilku złączach występuje korozja. Następną rzeczą, którą bym spróbował, byłoby odłączenie modułu GPS i płytki FC, przeczyszczenie złączy środkiem do czyszczenia styków „bezpiecznym plastikiem”,
Następnie spróbuj ponownie skalibrować kompas. Ten film ma dostępne napisy z polskimi jako opcję:
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Well I managed to get the drone to take off but despite a full charge and a successful compass calibration this message appeared after take off and I don't know what to make of it what could be wrong this time?


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Well I managed to get the drone to take off but despite a full charge and a successful compass calibration this message appeared after take off and I don't know what to make of it what could be wrong this time?
It depends on exactly when the two pictures were taken. If the flight battery is bad (high internal resistance), it can be charged to full voltage, but cannot deliver power at the rate demanded by flight. The result is a low battery warning soon after launch, and voltage returning to normal or near normal within seconds of landing.
I guess I have almost given up hope you will ever upload the flight logs. But I will ask one more time. If you upload the logs, we will not have to speculate about things like this. We can just refer to the logs and tell you the issue.

To zależy od tego, kiedy dokładnie wykonano oba zdjęcia. Jeśli akumulator jest uszkodzony (wysoka rezystancja wewnętrzna), można go naładować do pełnego napięcia, ale nie może dostarczyć energii z prędkością wymaganą do lotu. Rezultatem jest ostrzeżenie o niskim poziomie naładowania baterii wkrótce po starcie, a napięcie wraca do normy lub prawie do normy w ciągu kilku sekund od lądowania.
Chyba prawie straciłem nadzieję, że kiedykolwiek opublikujesz swoje dzienniki lotów. Ale zapytam ponownie. Jeśli opublikujesz logi, nie będziemy musieli spekulować na temat takich rzeczy. Możemy po prostu odwołać się do logów i opowiedzieć o problemie.
Hello once again, it flies and is OK but I haven't quite checked everything (too little time). Today I will see exactly how it works and I have a question because the whole log folder is almost 100MB, which folder should I upload and which files from the drone.


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To get the full picture from the log files we need the files from Remote, RemoteGPS, and Telemetry. It is easiest to back out to the FlightLog folder and zip the entire folder then attach the resulting zip file to your post here.

Here is a guide to the process
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To jest automatyczne tłumaczenie dokumentu dostarczonego przez @DoomMeister. Należy pamiętać, że błędy w tłumaczeniu są bardzo możliwe.

This is an automated translation of the document provided by @DoomMeister. Please be aware translation errors are very possible.


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It flies, it's all OK just the landing gear doesn't fold down, I need to see how with the physical connection and if the landing gear mechanism is not broken because when I turn the drone on its back only a piece works but 1 and 2 is stationary. So either the mechanism or the little plate has no contact or well the motherboard unfortunately but I will see that tomorrow when I swap another mechanism.
I am uploading the logs from the drone below and thanks for the hints.


You are right, I also would guess it is a serious contact problem. A battery so bad never seen but maybe there is one dead cell.


The voltage breaks down rapidly in the moment when power is consumed. Are the battery contacts hot after usage? Check power wiring and contact spring in the drone.
Contact spring should be properly bent and have good spring tension, no traces of heat.
br HE
Sorry for taking so long to reply but work, work and more work. The drone flies on the new battery with no problems, only unfortunately the landing gear does not fold down. I have replaced the landing gear mechanisms, wires and it still does not fold. What could be the cause this time?
As @Vaklin says by using the Hardware Monitor and also the Final Output Display accessed by double tapping the Volts icon on the ST16 display. CH11 should read 100% when down and -100% when up.

If that is working check the connections for the landing gear servo board in the aircraft. An annotated photo can be found here Typhoon H Mainboard.pdf
I have replaced the landing gear mechanisms, wires ....
Please clarify which parts you replaced:
LG parts.png

Are all replacement parts new, unused parts?

Have you used a 9 volt battery to check the individual landing gear, one at a time, when not installed in the drone? See this video at about 9 minutes 43 seconds:
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I am resuming this discussion because the title is precisely inherent in the problem I encountered today.
As usual, I prepared the drone for the flight, turn on the ST16, wait for the software to load, then turn on the drone, but the GPS always remains in satellite acquisition even if a sufficient number has already been acquired. The motors wouldn't start even when the GPS was set to off. I left the drone powered on (and also the ST16) for about half an hour but nothing, always the same. Then a friend rings the doorbell to bring me something I had lent him, we discuss of other things for about 15 minutes, looking at the drone (he had never seen one up so close) and while we were there I heard the sound of "ready". So I try to start the motors, which spins regularly and so I made 3 flights with the 3 batteries I had previously charged.

Now... Considering that I had last flown a couple of months earlier, is it possible that this anomaly was caused by the GPS battery that had run out? Because if it was a breakdown, I don't think I would have been able to fly for almost an hour.
Is the battery replaceable? What kind of battery is it?
Any other idea?
Thanks in advance
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