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Erratic Flight Video "Toilet Bowl"

Chilcotin...What is the difference between IMU and GUI ?

When you say "Try playing with the GUI pointing mag north"
do you mean when I calibrate the Compass?
FYI..Since I first got my H. I have always calibrated my compass with the Nose of the H
pointing Mag North for the first turn. If I remember, when rotating the H to do the calibration,
It starts off with the nose pointing North and with each rotation the H turns and ends up with the last rotation pointing north for the final calibration.

GUI stands for the graphical user interface. You have to install it on your computer and have it running. For safety, I would take off the props, power on the H and then plug in the H to your usb.
Don't do it thru the camera port. Use the port on the side of the H.
In the GUI you will see all sensor realtime info. Point the H as close to mag north you know is correct.....be away from magnetic influences of coarse, and watch the compass raw Y value, if I remember should be around zero when at mag north and staying within 1 or 2.
DC...Thanks in advance for your patience ..but with the Accelerometer calibration I'm Confused !

I have been reading the forum on the Accelerometer calibration and there seams to be different opinions on how to do it.
Different Manuals, different ways
STEP2) Make sure the FLIGHT MODE switch is in the middle position.
Tap the GPS Calibration button, and choose 'ACCELEROMETER'
STEP 2) Make sure the FLIGHT MODE switch is in the middle position. Tap the GPS Calibration button, switch off GPS and choose 'ACCELER- OMETER'.

"When successful it blinks purple/white or green/white depending on flight mode you're in"
If the MODE switch is in the middle position, way does it say "Depending on flight mode you're in"

Also...DO you turn off the GPS or not?

Ver 3 manual says to then " Push the throttle joystick gently above the middle position to take off the aircraft. Meanwhile, keep the aircraft hovering manually until the main LED indicator blinks red, green and blue slowly again."

I did not see this in Ver 1 or 2
Do we take off or not?

Which is the correct way???

I really want to solve this if I can before sending it back to Yuneec or getting a replacement
I have never taken off on any platform to do a Accelerometer calibration, I would go by the one posted by Yuneec rep, see below:

Oct 1, 2015
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How to perform Accelerometer Calibration. I see nothing in the users manual on this subject.

STEP 1) Place the TYPHOON H on a level and stable surface. Switch on
the ST16 Ground Station and the aircraft and wait till the RC and WiFi

STEP 2) Make sure the FLIGHT MODE switch is in the middle position.
Tap the GPS Calibration but ton, and choose 'ACCELEROMETER'.

STPE 3) Keep the aircraft stable during the calibration process. During
calibration, the main led will blink red, green and blue slowly at first
and rapidly afterwards. If calibration succeed. The copter will restart
automatically. You will recognize the this when you hear the raising

NOTICE: You must do the acceler ometer calibration in no-wind condition.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If calibration has failed, the Main LED Status
Indicator will be solid white and you must repeat the calibration
process. If the calibration continues to fail, either the site of calibration
is unsuitable or the accelerometer is defective. Refer to your
Yuneec service center.

Best of wishes and fly safe! DC
Ok..When I get home today I'll start everything over...
Here is the video of my H being tested at the Yuneec CS Center 6/29
Interesting that if it had a compass calibration outside there,
notice all the buildings and steel fences around?
It looks like it flew fine!!]

here is a photo of the flight of the video, it is interesting as it shows the flight path on Google Earth and you can clearly see the circles !


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Ok..When I get home today I'll start everything over...
Here is the video of my H being tested at the Yuneec CS Center 6/29
Interesting that if it had a compass calibration outside there,
notice all the buildings and steel fences around?
It looks like it flew fine!!]

here is a photo of the flight of the video, it is interesting as it shows the flight path on Google Earth and you can clearly see the circles !
It did fly fine!, and how are you sure they didn't do a bench calibration, I am not sure they took it out back and calibrated it?. This is not a perfect rule, you may calibrate near metal once or twice and get a good CC, and then you may do it again and not!, It is a recommended practice that pilots for years have been doing, not perfect, but proven. If yours does not fly in your area, maybe you have too much interference? I don't know as I am not there, but some areas are just not good for UAV's. I hope she fly's great for you from here going!:)
DC...I flew in three different locations, the last one in the video is away from homes and such.
We are rural, so there are many open spaces, I have been flying my Phantoms for a while in all locations with no problems.
DC...I flew in three different locations, the last one in the video is away from homes and such.
We are rural, so there are many open spaces, I have been flying my Phantoms for a while in all locations with no problems.
Then why do they get your H to fly steady, but you can't? I understand your frustrations, but you don't give us all those fact when you post, We have to procrastinate what and where you are flying and doing this or that! It does not seem logical that they fly it perfectly well, no issues, then you take it out and it fly erratically? I wish I had the answer and I wish you did not have this issue ! Claim lemon law and get a new one!
I have had my H for a month now with well over 100 flights with out
any real issues. Have done the compass and accelerometer calibration
twice in my back yard with success.

As I read about the toilet bowl effect others are having and saying to
myself glad mine is flying ok.

So yesterday I take off from my back yard and out of the blue it starts the bowl
effect staring to fly in about a ten foot circle on its own.

I was in angle mode and switch it to smart mode and the bowl effect gets
a bit smaller, switch to angle and the circle gets bigger.

Not wanting to land in this condition I get some altitude and fly around
for several minutes, its a bit erratic but I have control.

After about five minutes it returns to normal on its own and I was
able to land without incident.

I did another full calibration and after another five flights have had
no problem.

Has anybody noticed that when you raise the landing gear for the first
time on occasions it will cause the H to twitch or jump around a little
like the landing gear motors are causing interference with the electronics?
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A tiny bit, on occasions, I thought it might be the wind having more effect on it as the weight has gone from down to up? Kind of breezy where I reside!
A tiny bit, on occasions, I thought it might be the wind having more effect on it as the weight has gone from down to up? Kind of breezy where I reside!

That twitch with raising the landing gear I have noticed from the start but it has not caused a problem for me.

But I swear the bowl effect started right after I raised the gear this time.
And I read some users have been loosing there video feed after raising the gear.

Maybe some kind of hiccup going on there.
That twitch with raising the landing gear I have noticed from the start but it has not caused a problem for me.

But I swear the bowl effect started right after I raised the gear this time.
And I read some users have been loosing there video feed after raising the gear.

Maybe some kind of hiccup going on there.
Hope not Jimmie, I don't want to ever play "Ring around the Toilet" !
Dont know if this is of any help but my q500 would twitch a lot and do some strange movements first few times i flew it and actually on its own went to 80-90 feet and went full speed backwards.I was in a large open field only thing near me (600 plus ft away) was a school that was closed for weekend. After 3 crashes and 2 broken props scanned area with phone and found only 2 wifi signals coming from school that were not very strong but decent enough to pick up that far away. drove to another open area smaller in size and even a line of houses 400 ft away and she few perfect and never went crazy or twitched again. My guess even though weak the schools wi fi was a close enough frequency to cause my problems.
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Dont know if this is of any help but my q500 would twitch a lot and do some strange movements first few times i flew it and actually on its own went to 80-90 feet and went full speed backwards.I was in a large open field only thing near me (600 plus ft away) was a school that was closed for weekend. After 3 crashes and 2 broken props scanned area with phone and found only 2 wifi signals coming from school that were not very strong but decent enough to pick up that far away. drove to another open area smaller in size and even a line of houses 400 ft away and she few perfect and never went crazy or twitched again. My guess even though weak the schools wi fi was a close enough frequency to cause my problems.
Wifi does play havoc on you signals to your drones!
The slow rotation with your H indicates the yaw trim is not centered. It should remain in a fixed orientation, with or without GPS, in any flight mode. Unfortunately Yuneec disables the trim adjustment function in all of their transmitters. I don't have any idea why they do this since "trimming" each flight axis has been common to radio controlled flight since multi-channel transmitters first became available. Since we cannot trim the control functions, any persistent uncommanded yaw is cause to send the unit back.

Pitch and roll can also be out of trim but we need to be very careful in establishing that ambient wind is not the cause of drift in those directions.
Then why do they get your H to fly steady, but you can't? I understand your frustrations, but you don't give us all those fact when you post, We have to procrastinate what and where you are flying and doing this or that! It does not seem logical that they fly it perfectly well, no issues, then you take it out and it fly erratically? I wish I had the answer and I wish you did not have this issue ! Claim lemon law and get a new one!

DC...To be Honest, I did not know I had that video ! When I received my H back, I Immediately removed my camera and gimbal. After my flights, when I looked at the telemetry data I noticed a file from 6/29 and open it. I made a kmz file and saw it was from the Yuneec Repair Center and then opened the sd card and found the video.
I'll update my continuing problems on this thread later.
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DC...To be Honest, I did not know I had that video ! When I received my H back, I Immediately removed my camera and gimbal. After my flights, when I looked at the telemetry data I noticed a file from 6/29 and open it. I made a kmz file and saw it was from the Yuneec Repair Center and then opened the sd card and found the video.
I'll update my continuing problems on this thread later.
Hope you get her solved real soon my friend!;)
Problem not solved..
After the last two flights, I called Yuneec and they said to resend it in and they will take a look at it again. I said no because I did not want to wait another three weeks for repairs. So I called back later and spoke with tech and he walked me through a accelerometer calibration twice on the phone. Told me to go and fly it, but do a compass calibration when I get to my flying location.

We went back to the field and tried it again. The H took off Ok and hovered a bit and I thought everything was good to go. I flew it around, and as long as I had stick input it flew fine. Problem
comes when there is no stick input...same problem. wouldn't land, kept circling.
Here is a video my friend too from his Phantom as I tried to land.

Also some Google Earth Grabs of the flight path.

Since I now have two batteries, we went to a different location and tried it again.
Same Results.. Takes off and hovers for a short time... then starts to circle again.
It flies nice with stick input, but when there is no stick command, it starts to circle.
It is really bad when trying to land.
Again a video of that flight with a bad landing.

Also some Google Earth grabs of the flight path showing the circling movements.
I have had enough for now and requested a replacement or return.
I'll let everyone know how it goes...
DC...Thanks for responding!
Your concern helps me keep my head up !


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Problem not solved..
After the last two flights, I called Yuneec and they said to resend it in and they will take a look at it again. I said no because I did not want to wait another three weeks for repairs. So I called back later and spoke with tech and he walked me through a accelerometer calibration twice on the phone. Told me to go and fly it, but do a compass calibration when I get to my flying location.

We went back to the field and tried it again. The H took off Ok and hovered a bit and I thought everything was good to go. I flew it around, and as long as I had stick input it flew fine. Problem
comes when there is no stick input...same problem. wouldn't land, kept circling.
Here is a video my friend too from his Phantom as I tried to land.

Also some Google Earth Grabs of the flight path.

Since I now have two batteries, we went to a different location and tried it again.
Same Results.. Takes off and hovers for a short time... then starts to circle again.
It flies nice with stick input, but when there is no stick command, it starts to circle.
It is really bad when trying to land.
Again a video of that flight with a bad landing.

Also some Google Earth grabs of the flight path showing the circling movements.
I have had enough for now and requested a replacement or return.
I'll let everyone know how it goes...
DC...Thanks for responding!
Your concern helps me keep my head up !
Very helpful video's and logs! will help you convince Yuneec no doubt! Hope you get her resolved very quickly my friend!;)
Problem not solved..
After the last two flights, I called Yuneec and they said to resend it in and they will take a look at it again. I said no because I did not want to wait another three weeks for repairs. So I called back later and spoke with tech and he walked me through a accelerometer calibration twice on the phone. Told me to go and fly it, but do a compass calibration when I get to my flying location.

We went back to the field and tried it again. The H took off Ok and hovered a bit and I thought everything was good to go. I flew it around, and as long as I had stick input it flew fine. Problem
comes when there is no stick input...same problem. wouldn't land, kept circling.
Here is a video my friend too from his Phantom as I tried to land.

Also some Google Earth Grabs of the flight path.

Since I now have two batteries, we went to a different location and tried it again.
Same Results.. Takes off and hovers for a short time... then starts to circle again.
It flies nice with stick input, but when there is no stick command, it starts to circle.
It is really bad when trying to land.
Again a video of that flight with a bad landing.

Also some Google Earth grabs of the flight path showing the circling movements.
I have had enough for now and requested a replacement or return.
I'll let everyone know how it goes...
DC...Thanks for responding!
Your concern helps me keep my head up !

So what happened ? Im in your same situation now.

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