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Grains Bar


Premium Pilot
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Shaw, Gtr Manchester, U.K.
I had a recreational flight session over Grains Bar, Oldham, England, yesterday. I was doing a job over towards Burnley on Wednesday and I was left with a fully charged battery. However, instead of discharging it to storage level, I decided to charge cycle another battery to give me two batteries charged...enough to make it worth my while for a swift recreational flight as soon as conditions allowed...Ideally, the next day. However, something cropped up on that day so I couldn't do it. But Friday looked good.

But although wind, rain, Kp index were favorable, the light was very poor...but I still had the two batteries charged up. So I went for a fly anyway not expecting to get good video. But after a bit of fiddling in post production I managed to produce this video which I think is quite good considering the poor source footage.

Post production software used was Filmora.
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Reactions: Rubik
Looks like you had a fun flight. :)
Yes, it was fun I have to say. Like I said in the OP post, the light on the day was very poor and I didn't expect to get any reasonably usable footage. Indeed, on the second battery I didn't even bother to start recording until I was half way through the flight. But it was a good pair of flights and the nearest public was a good distance away and didn't bother me. The fact that I was able to produce the above video, although not brilliant, was just a bonus that I wasn't expecting...a testament to the H and the post-production software's abilities.

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