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H+ Issues in the Field Today

May 22, 2016
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Madison, WI
I shot three different locations in Iceland today. On the third one a couple of odd things happened.
I had noticed on my protective filter that ships with the H+ that there was a very fine (hairline or thinner) black line coming from the edge of the filter since the day I received it. It was on the edge and crept very slightly into the glass. I thought it was a manufacturing remnant so I thought I would take a soft cloth to rub it off. It turns out it was a crack in the filter and my very gentle rubbing of it caused it to crack the length of the filter...it's trash now but perhaps I'll save it for my next unboxing video. The next field issue was of a more serious nature. I launched at an area of small waterfalls and deep blue water pockets along a stream. I touch the screen to initiate video, the camera did not shoot video. I tried to switch from video to still and it would not do that either. Thinking perhaps it was a card issue I landed and placed and formatted another card. I launched and tried again and nothing happened. I brought it down again and that was the end of my shooting for the day. Once back at the house where I'm staying I tried it again and it worked fine. This sort of intermittent nonperformance makes it virtually impossible to properly diagnose. I'm not sure if there is a way to reload firmware if there is I haven't found out how to do it. So this is quite concerning to me to have such a major issue of intermittent camera operation and the inability to switch from video to photo. Talk about total paralysis...I sure hope this never happens to any of you or if it does that Yuneec begins investigating what's causing it. Ok it's time to do an unboxing of some fine Icelandic chocolates and relax.
Sorry to hear of troubles with the H+. May the rest of your shoots be trouble free.

Shots of akvavit around. Skoal.
The next field issue was of a more serious nature. I launched at an area of small waterfalls and deep blue water pockets along a stream. I touch the screen to initiate video, the camera did not shoot video. I tried to switch from video to still and it would not do that either. Thinking perhaps it was a card issue I landed and placed and formatted another card. I launched and tried again and nothing happened. I brought it down again and that was the end of my shooting for the day. Once back at the house where I'm staying I tried it again and it worked fine. This sort of intermittent nonperformance makes it virtually impossible to properly diagnose.

Interior/Exterior temperature issue? But you've shot for the last few days... why would that come up now?
Interior/Exterior temperature issue? But you've shot for the last few days... why would that come up now?
Today was warmest sunniest day since I've been here...it worked perfectly in colder temps and just as well when things had begun to warm up until that third site...then it works perfectly again at home...weird..thanks for suggestion
Did you check the bind status of the camera during your trouble shooting? I have seen the H-480 lose bind with the camera for no apparent reason.
Touch screen issues? Let us know if you manage to reproduce the problem.
Did you check the bind status of the camera during your trouble shooting? I have seen the H-480 lose bind with the camera for no apparent reason.
I will look at that next time..but if it lost bind in field it would have had to find it again before I tried it where I was staying. All i did was turn it on and it worked just fine...tomorrow I have a few things to shoot about Puffins and some more glacial calves so I'll see if it happens again and let everyone know if it once again fails to initiate camera or if it fails to let me change from video to photos. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I always clean the glass of the S16 surface and I will do that more often during the day tomorrow in case that was the issue.
That cracked “cover lens” is no big deal. It’s the first thing I toss after obtaining a CGO-3. If the H Plus lens is glass, not plastic, there’s not much chance of scratching it during use unless you fly in sand storms.
Well..... it depends on where Mickey is going on Iceland. There are a number of black, volcanic pumice beaches.... (I think).
Speaking of unboxing videos, if anyone has a completely trashed Typhoon H and camera I’ve got a couple of “color boxes” some old transmitters, and two wiped H batteries. I’d love nothing more than to do an “unboxing” video where the method of opening the box was to set it on fire. When the embers cooled it would be considered open and sifting through the contents would be the “ unboxing”.
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Sorry to hear of your woes mickeyboo. I hope the rest is trouble freemy friend
That cracked “cover lens” is no big deal. It’s the first thing I toss after obtaining a CGO-3. If the H Plus lens is glass, not plastic, there’s not much chance of scratching it during use unless you fly in sand storms.
There are two reasons I would like to have that layer of protection over the lens, one being I'm in areas of high moisture and humidity the other being as Ron points out there is lots of black pumice from volcanic activity...the same stuff that emery cloth is made of...so it would be good for added protection. I usually don't like anything over the lens when I was a war photographer for 10 years I never had filters over any of my lenses. I think we may need a separate category on "unboxing" because I was thinking of a lot of creative ways to do it. One was all the lights turned off except for one of those mirrored disco balls that I'm sure all you older lads remember. I've had three good flight this morning without incident so thus far today all is well with the controller.
There are two reasons I would like to have that layer of protection over the lens, one being I'm in areas of high moisture and humidity the other being as Ron points out there is lots of black pumice from volcanic activity...the same stuff that emery cloth is made of...so it would be good for added protection. I usually don't like anything over the lens when I was a war photographer for 10 years I never had filters over any of my lenses. I think we may need a separate category on "unboxing" because I was thinking of a lot of creative ways to do it. One was all the lights turned off except for one of those mirrored disco balls that I'm sure all you older lads remember. I've had three good flight this morning without incident so thus far today all is well with the controller.

Maybe it was a WiFi anomaly? Is there an app for the new camera for mobile devices? Your shots are stunning and I hope your work continues successfully.
Maybe it was a WiFi anomaly? Is there an app for the new camera for mobile devices? Your shots are stunning and I hope your work continues successfully.
I guess that is certainly possible, today it's working fine... I stopped flying due to foul weather...

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