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H520 ST16s, H520 and Datapilot Updater App Update 17th Nov 2017


Premium Pilot
Oct 27, 2017
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On Friday 17th November Yuneec released 3 updates for the H520
1, The Datapilot updater app got a quick update
2, ST16S Datapilot APK was updated from 1.1.21 to 1.2.5
3, Autopilot flight control was updated from 1.1.6 to 1.1.11

So whats changed?
Well after quite a lot of badgering Yuneec finally addressed the critical 27% RTL with absolutely no way of overiding the self RTL. All we could do was make it loiter by way of cancelling the RTL......So what happened then well you had two choices.... 1, kick it back into RTL and wait for it to self land or 2, stand underneath it and wait for it to drop out of the sky.

I am very happy to report that I have been out and tested the update, and by jeaves it's good and solid.

So we are still unable to change the parameters of the 27% RTL and the 21% self land but we are able to now cancel them (with the exception of the 21% self land).
At 30% (or whatever you set the first warning at) Mrs. Hawkins will let you know your battery is getting a little sparse, no problem there, thanks for the reminder.
At 27% she starts to get a little bit more excited now and advises that battery is low and will return to take off point. Maybe your nearly finished on the video you have been capturing and now need a few more minutes here's what you do. Toggle from being in Angle or Manual to either Angle or Manual mode (I did it twice just to be sure) and the RTL will cancel allowing you to carry on.
At 21% thats your lot it's going to land, legs come down and a huge siren goes off in your head while you check your pulse isn't going to give you a cardiac arrest.
I was unfortunate that at this precise moment that this happened I was over the sea about 10m from the shore. I was on my way back at 26% and it suddenly dropped 26% to 21%, so panic setting in I prepared myself for a very cold swim by hot footing it over the wall to the beach, but wait while doing this the aircraft hovered while it lowered its legs. Don't know why but I decided to toggle from Angle to Manual and back to Angle again, it was worth a shot. At this point the aircraft hovered and stopped decending, I looked at the screen and my percentage was back to 24% so I brought her home and thought lets keep going and find out what happens when you get to 21% again.
I got to 21% and nothing happened, cool I thought.
19% and still flying albeit now 10ft from the ground and ready to catch it.
17% still flying. Ok I'm pushing my luck now so I landed it
After it landed and I shut the motors down the 520 completely shut off automatically and connection was lost.

I'm not too bothered about that but remember if you are filming remember to stop filming before landing or you could junk your last MP4 file, and no one likes to see that happen.

Hope this information is of some use to you

19%.jpg 17%.jpg 15%.jpg
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Good post. You brought me a smile :)

Only one detail, the % of the first warning, can be changed in the General tab of the configuration, the last parameter ;)
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A little more than I found.

In the camera setting (tested only with the E90),
you can now choose between the simple mode and the TimeLapse mode in the photo settings.

The new feature is the ability to manually intervene on RTL forced on the second battery alert.

capture_11212017_090749.jpg capture_11212017_090935.jpg
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I'm not too bothered about that but remember if you are filming remember to stop filming before landing or you could junk your last MP4 file, and no one likes to see that happen.
If the 520 is anything like the TH, you can recover the video files on the microSD card. Re-arm the drone with the card in, start the camera, stop the camera and shut everything down again. This has saved me several times.
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If the 520 is anything like the TH, you can recover the video files on the microSD card. Re-arm the drone with the card in, start the camera, stop the camera and shut everything down again. This has saved me several times.
Good to know, thanks for the tip

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