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Hello - a lot to learn quickly

Aug 4, 2024
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Crockett, CA
I have Typhoon H (+?) (YU16520371B08A01) and ST16 (YU1636005910DUS) controller found in late father-in-law's(he was retired Delta pilot) closet. have not opened the carrying case until yesterday when my sister asked about taking drone photos in Utah. Now I see I have a lot to test and learn. (+?)
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We can definitely help you get started once we know which model you have.
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Since @WTFDproject confirmed your kit is a Typhoon H (H480) one of the first things to do is check the batteries for signs of swelling. A slight amount in the soft inner part where the labels are is usually no problem as long as the battery will slide into and out of the aircraft without binding. Make sure the latch at the back of the battery is on top when sliding into the aircraft. The last 3/8ths of an inch has more resistance as the contacts mesh.

While charging the battery keep it under surveillance and charge it on a non flammable surface. It will usually take about an hour to charge.

Once you have a charged battery and the ST16 is charged (both can be done at the same time) take the aircraft outside where it has a good view of the sky and turn on both the ST16 and the aircraft. See that both the aircraft and ST16 are picking up GPS satellites. With the mode switch in the middle position you should get a flashing purple light on the rear of the aircraft. Once GPS is Ready the Status LED will be solid purple and when the ST16 gets a good GPS lock the Staus LED will flash white once every 3 seconds.

I’ll add to this later.

The Enhanced User Manual is attached.


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Thank you all,
I will review the information you have provided (I am visiting my sister in Oregon until the coming mid-week)
There is a lot to go over. I know one battery shows a blue (error) on the charger, the other did charge to green successfully.
I note no soft spots on the batteries (yay!) but I think the battery that shows a blue light on the charger should not be used. Both batteries can slide easily into the drone slots .
I will get back you kind folks about the Typhoon H version next week.
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If you know how to use a multimeter you can check the voltage on the individual cells of the battery pack and report it here. The attached file explains how.


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