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Help with Flight Planner

Feb 18, 2018
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Howdy :)

I've been playing around with the TyphoonH Flight Planner website ( Flight Planner H - Waypoints Creator for Yuneec Typhoon H ) lately trying to figure out a few things. Namely, getting the flight plan into the H flight controller.

When I use the browser in the ST16, I can create a basic grid flight plan. But when I try to save the file, I dont know where it disappears to, which makes it tough to use LOL. Do i need a SD card in my ST16 to save the file to? What is the recommended way to create a flight plan and get it to work?

Also, if I use my Mac to create a flight plan, All I get when I save it is the flight plan co-ords as text (so I assume i need to save that to the SD card, but what format does the file need to be in (.TXT?)

PS...ive loaded Tuna's software into the ST16, but I'm looking specifically for an easy way to create a grid pattern. I havent seen a grid option in Tunas app.

When I create one and save it creates a file with a .ccc extension and downloads it to my pc. I presume I could copy it to the ST16 and open it with CCC.

I understand that Tuna is working on a grid update.
Hmm... Maybe i should try a different browser than Safari on my Mac. Guess I also need to find another SD card for my ST.
Hmm... Maybe i should try a different browser than Safari on my Mac. Guess I also need to find another SD card for my ST.
The sd card for the ST16 can be an older 8 or 16 GB card. No need for speed.
After you press save, look in your download file or search for ?.ccc

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