Hi Clackey,
My name is Rick, I have over 30 years R/C Airplane flight experience, former U.S. Scale Masters Competitor, Founding Member of the NorthWest Scale Aero-modellers , over 30 years experience in photography, video and 6 years as a volunteer in the "Whale Watching Spoken Here" organization which is the largest land based volunteer Whale Watch group in the world. I will be using my Q500 4K to shoot video and stills for my own purposes and also volunteering to capture video and stills for marine mammal research (All legit...will be working with marine biologists).
My Q500 4K arrived about 4 weeks ago; spent two and half rainy weeks pouring through forums and YouTube videos making sure I had all of my gear ready when a sun break might appear. Have been able to get a couple of short flights so far and I am very very impressed with this system!
Looking forward to sharing great experiences, media, tips, tricks and learning from all of you experienced pilots, videographers and still photographers in this forum.