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How to prevent a flyaway. How to get a replacment sent from yuneec

Don't take this the wrong way but have you tried clicking Search forums or the magnifier icon? For that matter, Googled drone flyaways or Yuneec Service? It's just gets tedious, trying to answer the same questions over and over which have already been answered very effectively by experienced members here and elsewhere which can be located with a simple search and a bit of research.
What model? Is this just a scenario your running through? Have you found it?
If your copter has flown away Yuneec will ask for your telemetry files and decide, you might get a new copter, if it's a H480 then your probably only get money off a new plus model. Yuneec might say pilot error, and tough, if you've found it and can't repair it yourself, then you'll have to pay up and get it repaired at a service facility.
Any copter can fly away, it's about trying to minimise the chances, you acquire the skills in time to deal with such instances, being prepared to turn off GPS quickly to try and regain, and extreme measure like killing the drone with the red button to prevent an accident. There are many different factors, I'm sure others will have an opinion too.
The only way to assure a fly away cannot happen is by not flying at all.

Not one consumer drone possesses any certifications of airworthiness, not one has any component certification standard, none are provided manufacturer guarantees of flight control reliability. In effect, every flight we make is a crap shoot.

As operators we are the only people that can take steps to reduce, but not eliminate, the possibility of fly aways. We can do that by performing a comprehensive pre and post flight inspection. We can review areas intended for flight before flying them to determine if the potential for radio interference is present. We would fly in areas away from heavy 5.8 and 2.4GhZ saturation by avoiding residential tract housing. We would not fly in cities where GPS signals can be occluded by tall buildings. We would always fly with a clear signal path between the controller and aircraft, not occluding it with our body, structures, or trees.

Operators should learn to fly their aircraft in manual modes that do not benefit from GPS guidance, waypoints, or position holds. GPS is not 100% reliable and does fail. We must be ready to instantly recognize GPS failure and be capable of taking over flight with manual control for guidance of the aircrafts flight path.

Many fly aways would have been prevented had the operator not panicked and done nothing or flipped switches in hope of saving the day. Panic occurs when we are not prepared to deal with a situation, a condition that is likely if we have failed to learn about our aircraft.
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CE approval simply means the product complies with government regulations. If government has not developed and implemented product and component certification standards referencing strength factors, use in wet environments, range of use temperatures, min/max electrical tolerance, or auto pilot performance and accuracy that CE sticker does nothing to support flight safety standards.

Here in the U.S. consumer drones only need to meet FCC certification standards. There are no safety buffers in place to assure a system is safe for public or private use. That’s probably the only reason multiple lawsuits have not been filed over defective product. You can’t establish a defect until a certification or performance standard is established in law.
It was just for reference to Yuneec and there lack of information.
Yuneec drones and batteries carry the CE marking but using Google Search and the search facility on the Yuneec website we could not find any of their CE Approval documents.
CE stands for Conformité Européenne (French), which means European conformity
Marking is a certification mark that indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area. The CE marking is also found on products sold outside the EEA that are manufactured in, or designed to be sold in, the EEA.
The CE mark is required for all new products which are subject to one or more of the European product safety Directives. It is a visible sign that the manufacturer of the product is declaring conformity with all of the Directives relating to that product
Thanks. I’ll have to read the directive text to determine if flight performance standards were written into it. I sort of doubt they were as the EU and UK both (along with the US) maintain aircraft certification standards apart from consumer product standards.
I suspect Yuneec just put the sticker on, there's no documentation available.
According to the linked document some Chinese products employ a CE sticker to denote it’s a Chinese made product. That sticker designation “should not be confused” with the official 5mm letter CE sticker...

So, it becomes clear some Chinese made products may possess a CE sticker that has nothing to do with EU regulation conformity. I’m sure the Chinese don’t use that sticker to confuse anyone...[emoji6]
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According to the linked document some Chinese products employ a CE sticker to denote it’s a Chinese made product. That sticker designation “should not be confused” with the official 5mm letter CE sticker...

So, it becomes clear some Chinese made products may possess a CE sticker that has nothing to do with EU regulation conformity. I’m sure the Chinese don’t use that sticker to confuse anyone...[emoji6]
They put it on electrical systems, many people have been caught out using inferior products.
CE Chinese Export meaning Chinese rubbish.
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Yet we flock to them because they are “cheaper” than the stuff that always works...

Short sightedness is a malady that affects a large portion of the global population.

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