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I see Yuneec is starting to get calls from People who just got the Typhoon H about drop in price

May 19, 2016
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I see a few people reporting that the Yunecc is allowing there Main reseller to drop the price. However Yuneec isn't dropping the price at is web site. Reason is so pissed off people who just got the Typhoon H from Yuneec cant say yuneec drop the price and ask for something like a refund or credit from Yuneec itself. Boy that is Low. Some of the retailers are already refunding the different in price for people who just bought it to people who ask.
I am still seeing it at 1200 for most resellers. Where are you seeing the price drops?
nature of the beast!! i can remember when computers first came out every month or two you could find the same brand as you bought two to three hundred dollars cheaper. IMO people need to just suck it up!! its the way technology works.
BTW, all of these sellers are in jeopardy of losing sales if they are in breach of contract for selling below the Manufacturer stated price.
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Well then….Looks like B&H just returned to the authorized selling price of $1299….
The only thing that bothers me is the devaluation of the Typhoon H. For most people they only had the Typhoon H for 1 to 2 months. Even the P4 was out longer before they lowed the price
ALL authorized Yuneec dealers are not allowed to go below the $1299.99 price, if they choose to do so, they are risking their dealership! & obviously it's not fair for the dealers who are following the rules :)
All of these things are devalued the day we use them. It's best not to purchase any RC equipment thinking it will hold it's value for more than about a day. As stated earlier, the technology is moving way too fast and I'm willing to give up some equity in order to have constant new and better products. If you buy it, fly it and have fun.
A price reduction was carried out on the Yuneec Q500 4K during last October but this time it was Yuneec themselves doing the price reduction, I received two separate refunds from Yuneec I guess its new technology today and old tomorrow, so just enjoy whilst it lasts.
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I see a few people reporting that the Yunecc is allowing there Main reseller to drop the price. However Yuneec isn't dropping the price at is web site. Reason is so pissed off people who just got the Typhoon H from Yuneec cant say yuneec drop the price and ask for something like a refund or credit from Yuneec itself. Boy that is Low. Some of the retailers are already refunding the different in price for people who just bought it to people who ask.
DO u own an h?
Imagine the number of calls DJI must be getting then since the P4 dropped in price as well, and their customer base is much larger.
I see a few people reporting that the Yunecc is allowing there Main reseller to drop the price. However Yuneec isn't dropping the price at is web site. Reason is so pissed off people who just got the Typhoon H from Yuneec cant say yuneec drop the price and ask for something like a refund or credit from Yuneec itself. Boy that is Low. Some of the retailers are already refunding the different in price for people who just bought it to people who ask.
Well I don't get why anyone would be pissed off about this. You pays yer money and you takes yer chances. This is completely normal in the RC world.

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