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Apr 5, 2016
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This just might be the most important message you read all day. This is for USA flyers. There are lots of new FAA regulations regarding drones and model aircraft. Probably 80% of the people reading this are not aware that as long as you are a hobbyist and fly for personal enjoyment you can FLY AT NIGHT, USE FPV GOGGLES, AND FLY WITHIN 3 MILES OF AN AIRPORT. How? You need to belong to a community based organization such as the AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) once you are a member you fall under this special rule which is law:


Not only does joining the AMA give you these legal benefits but it also gives you $2,500,000. Insurance coverage against bodily injury, property damage, and $1,000. Coverage of the theft of you model (drone). You don’t have to ask permission to fly near an airport. They give you the form letter (letter of notification) to send to the airport that is affecting your flying to advise them that you WILL be flying in the proximity of their airport. This is no joke. Spend some time on their website or give them a call. I have no vested interest in promoting them other than sharing this information with you and a happy camper member.
Thanks for the info and looking out for this community. I plan to fly commercial so this won't affect me but it's good to know.
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This just might be the most important message you read all day. This is for USA flyers. There are lots of new FAA regulations regarding drones and model aircraft. Probably 80% of the people reading this are not aware that as long as you are a hobbyist and fly for personal enjoyment you can FLY AT NIGHT, USE FPV GOGGLES, AND FLY WITHIN 3 MILES OF AN AIRPORT. How? You need to belong to a community based organization such as the AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) once you are a member you fall under this special rule which is law:


Not only does joining the AMA give you these legal benefits but it also gives you $2,500,000. Insurance coverage against bodily injury, property damage, and $1,000. Coverage of the theft of you model (drone). You don’t have to ask permission to fly near an airport. They give you the form letter (letter of notification) to send to the airport that is affecting your flying to advise them that you WILL be flying in the proximity of their airport. This is no joke. Spend some time on their website or give them a call. I have no vested interest in promoting them other than sharing this information with you and a happy camper member.
Your information is not quite true! Have you called the AMA lately? I would!!!
First of all, this "Old" regulation stated 5 miles not 3 as you stated, second, it no where in it states night flying and FPV goggles ! It states "You "WILL" have a mutual agreement" with the airport, not twisted around as you did to express it as if you "WILL" be telling them and they have to obey your intent to fly were ever you want!. AMA has designated flight locations, that have FAA approval to use for special flights and freedoms. Just because you are " Member" of the AMA it does not give you the right to fly wherever and however you want my friend!:confused:
Note below from the FAA, that is was approved from 2012 to 2015 (Why I stated "Old") "Till" further safety plans are reviewed and implemented !

FAA HomeAbout FAAPlans & Reports

FAA Modernization and Reform Act (P.L. 112-095) Reports and Plans
The Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization legislation (P.L. 112-095(PDF)) enacted on February 14, 2012 authorized appropriations to the FAA from Fiscal Year 2012 through Fiscal Year 2015. The legislation also seeks to improve aviation safety and capacity of the national airspace system, provide a framework for integrating new technology safely into our airspace, provide a stable funding system, and advance the implementation of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen).
Don't get me wrong, I am a 'Hobbyist" flyer as well as a "Commercial" flyer. I fly for profit and always for fun! For 25 plus years of flying RC's I have been and still am a hobby flyer, and I want the best and fairest and safest freedom to fly as everyone on here ! ;)
Don't get me wrong, I am a 'Hobbyist" flyer as well as a "Commercial" flyer. I fly for profit and always for fun! For 25 plus years of flying RC's I have been and still am a hobby flyer, and I want the best and fairest and safest freedom to fly as everyone on here ! ;)

One of the reasons I will likely never get my commercial waiver is because I've been flying RC for 25+ years too and I'm afraid anybody that gets the waiver will have to ALWAYS fall under the criteria limited to commercial flying. I ain't gonna live like that. I don't think that simply declaring, "Well, I know it's at night, but I Was flying for fun and not for profit." is going to cut it if you are ever questioned.

Still lots of questions out there.

Also worthy of note is the fact that as AMA members, we are NOT limited by the 400' ceiling. That's a biggie for me.
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Your information is not quite true! Have you called the AMA lately? I would!!!
First of all, this "Old" regulation stated 5 miles not 3 as you stated, second, it no where in it states night flying and FPV goggles ! It states "You "WILL" have a mutual agreement" with the airport, not twisted around as you did to express it as if you "WILL" be telling them and they have to obey your intent to fly were ever you want!. AMA has designated flight locations, that have FAA approval to use for special flights and freedoms. Just because you are " Member" of the AMA it does not give you the right to fly wherever and however you want my friend!:confused:

The way to beat the FAA jack booted thugs is through the courts and Congress; activism. I haven't been an AMA member for many years and don't intend to be now. That's why Don't Fly Stupid CBO was created and many have joined. We get the same protection as the AMA much to their dismay. The FAA doesn't get to decide what a CBO is just as they can't make up rules that have no basis in law.

Read the entire entry.
AMA members may continue flying FPV | AMA Government Relations Blog

As you may also be aware, in August 2014 AMA filed a petition with the U.S. Court of Appeals asking for a judiciary review of the FAA’s interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft (the Interpretative Rule). As stated in our petition, we believe the FAA’s Interpretive Rule misinterprets the intent of Congress in several areas, including the requirement to remain within visual line of sight of the operator as it relates to the use of FPV goggles. Right now, the court proceedings are on hold as the FAA reviews over 33,000 public comments submitted in response to the Interpretive Rule.

With the court proceedings held in abeyance, enforcement actions based upon the provisions in the Interpretative Rule are also on hold. So, until the FAA completes its review of the public comments, publishes its conclusions and makes any further clarification/revision to the Interpretive Rule, the status quo remains in effect for AMA members. It should be noted, however, that this does not preclude the FAA from taking enforcement action against careless and reckless acts that truly endanger the national airspace.

In the meantime, we encourage all AMA members to continue flying and enjoying our hobby as you have before, following AMA’s safety guidelines and educational programming.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to advocate and protect our hobby of flying model aircraft.
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You can say all you want negative about the AMA and badmouth it all you want, but for all its faults, and I've been member for 25+ years; you wouldn't be flying at ALL today if it weren't for their lobbying efforts in congress. I don't know who this "Don't Fly Stupid" group is, and I don't care, to the extent that what matters is what the congress passes and approves and AMA is the only CBO that has a voice that they listen to.
I am sorry, I don't remember where the video I watch was located. A member of the FAA when discussing the new FA107 which took affect last month stated "that once you received your FAA Remote Pilot Certificate making you commercial, you can no longer claim to be a hobbyist flyer or fly as such." A check of the new FAA 107 law would be necessary to confirm this.
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Your information is not quite true! Have you called the AMA lately? I would!!!
First of all, this "Old" regulation stated 5 miles not 3 as you stated, second, it no where in it states night flying and FPV goggles ! It states "You "WILL" have a mutual agreement" with the airport, not twisted around as you did to express it as if you "WILL" be telling them and they have to obey your intent to fly were ever you want!. AMA has designated flight locations, that have FAA approval to use for special flights and freedoms. Just because you are " Member" of the AMA it does not give you the right to fly wherever and however you want my friend!:confused:
Everything I said in my post I stand behind. As a matter of fact I spoke with Chad Budreau today who is in charge of government affairs and public relations at the AMA. He also provided me with the letter of notification to send the airports. And my friend if you belong to a community organization such as the AMA you indeed can fly in proximity of an airport as long as you send them your letter of notification and follow the AMA guidelines which are mostly common sense. You can also fly at night, use FPV goggles, and even fly higher than 400 feet if you want. Again this is for hobbyists belonging to a community based organization such as the AMA. If you don't belong you simply don't qualify. This regulation my friend is also current law. There is no way for you to dispute what is. Do some homework.
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Everything I said in my post I stand behind. As a matter of fact I spoke with Chad Budreau today who is in charge of government affairs and public relations at the AMA. He also provided me with the letter of notification to send the airports. And my friend if you belong to a community organization such as the AMA you indeed can fly in proximity of an airport as long as you send them your letter of notification and follow the AMA guidelines which are mostly common sense. You can also fly at night, use FPV goggles, and even fly higher than 400 feet if you want. Again this is for hobbyists belonging to a community based organization such as the AMA. If you don't belong you simply don't qualify. This regulation my friend is also current law. There is no way for you to dispute what is. Do some homework.
Oh! I've done my homework quite intensively!. And I do not have to be a member of the AMA as a hobbyist to fly legally within 5 miles of an airport now! I don't know where you get your information from,nor do I really care! But anyone can fly within 5 miles of an airport without a 107 or AMA membership!.
I think the AMA is a great organization to participate in, and years ago when I flew homemade fixed winged, gas powered airplanes I was a member.
But you using them as the only means to fly with "Freedom" is not correct information my friend.
As for the member who says once I have my 107, I can never be a hobbyist again, it's totally rubbish!. Every two years you have to update your 107. If you don't and your 107 is no longer valid or good, What does the make you? A Nothingman? Stuck in limbo between two worlds!
If you want and desire to be a member of the AMA, that is a good thing, but don't use it as the only way to have rights to fly legally in certain airspaces, because that is false information!;)
You can say all you want negative about the AMA and badmouth it all you want, but for all its faults, and I've been member for 25+ years; you wouldn't be flying at ALL today if it weren't for their lobbying efforts in congress. I don't know who this "Don't Fly Stupid" group is, and I don't care, to the extent that what matters is what the congress passes and approves and AMA is the only CBO that has a voice that they listen to.
I stopped being a member 25 years ago (been flying since '79). Back then it was an uppity clique at every field. If you didn't fit their mold, you weren't welcomed. I did an extensive search for AMA sanctioned fields that welcomed MR's; there are very, very few. Read several of the comments in the link provided. There are many long time members not very happy with the AMA, including some (the dinosaurs) of their acceptance of multirotors. In fact many blame all their problems on "drones".

So far all the AMA has accomplished is court proceedings held in abeyance. They don't represent hobbyists at large, they represent the AMA and one should note they only speak in terms of protecting "their" members, not me. It wouldn't bother them in the least if only AMA fields were allowed, and flyers forced to join ($$$) the AMA to be used for flying RC's, and if lucky enough find ones that allow MR's.

Again, read the member comments.

Deserteagle and a few others basically spearheaded DFS and it meets all guidelines for a CBO.
Don't fly Stupid

As a side note, the FAA has no interest in the hobbyist flyer. Just as with the rest of this corrupt administration it's the big players who will likely win out for control of the NAS. The AMA is a bit player in the scheme of things, a gnat buzzing around the FAA's head begging to hold the monopoly on hobby flying. I won't be part of it.

As DE eloquently puts it RC Groups - View Single Post - I'm starting my own Official Community Based Organization
I have a question not pointed at the FAA or AMA.
How do we stop all of our local cities from outlawing drone flying. More and more parks are starting to put up signs that say "No Drone flying Allowed"
So the only place to fly will be out in the country away from everything. And then there is the general public that just think every drone out there is spying on them.
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I have a question not pointed at the FAA or AMA.
How do we stop all of our local cities from outlawing drone flying. More and more parks are starting to put up signs that say "No Drone flying Allowed"
So the only place to fly will be out in the country away from everything. And then there is the general public that just think every drone out there is spying on them.

You're more than likely going to have to fix that at the local ballot box. It is highly unlikely that there will ever be federal or state law limiting how communities enforce these kinds of laws. Educate. Rally local council members for support. Remember that the press has created a public at large that detests "drones" as they have been promoted by the press {SPIT!}. It is a fight we will ultimately not win in the long run more than likely. I'm just hoping I can prolong it until it doesn't matter to me anymore. That may sound selfish but it's not. It probably won't make it that long either.
The other problem we're up against is jackasses doing stupid crap. Just look around the forum threads (especially over on the Phantom boards). We are our own worst enemy.

You have to at least admit that the AMA affiliation did help this. Now everybody that has ever owned a pad-controlled Nintendo owns a drone from Best Buy. Sounds great on the surface but a lack of proper instruction and safety education has created a monster. We were all better off when you actually had to learn to fly.
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All I was saying in my post was that belonging to a Community Based Organization such as the AMA gives you some perks as a hobbyist flyer that you won't and can't enjoy otherwise. I do believe there are problems within the AMA but that is not my point. In my opinion the fact that multi rotor hobbyists have shunned the AMA is the reason the AMA is not happy with us. Regardless if you like them or not they will do more good to promote your rights as a hobbyist flyer than not. So even if you hate them why not support them and let them fight the fight to protect your rights. No one else is doing anything so what do you have to lose in supporting them. Anything they win is a win for you however ungrateful you might be.
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The AMA shunned us, my friend, not us them! Read the history of the AMA! They don't even allow MR's in 70% of their fields, What they fight for is not for "us" MR flyers, but the fixed wing flyers which is fine, I love FW's too!'
Let's just drop this ball of BS and get back to matters of getting "OUR" rights established like WilsonFlyer stated, We have to reverse the image that the Press has labelled us! The 107, AMA and Willie Wonka are not going to look out for us, they are only concerned with themselves!
The amount of time we spend(Including Me!) typing our justifications on here, should be spent typing our local Senators and City Councils, That's where the changes will come from my friends!;)
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How do we stop all of our local cities from outlawing drone flying. More and more parks are starting to put up signs that say "No Drone flying Allowed"
So the only place to fly will be out in the country away from everything. And then there is the general public that just think every drone out there is spying on them.

You have hit the nail right on the head. It's not Amazon, Pappa Pizza, the airline pilots, or even the FAA who is going to restrict our everyday flying activities. It is indeed the local city council who passes a quickie copy of another city's ordinance because a little lady with her binoculars saw one invading her privacy (from 200' in the air), or some such. The news media is only too happy to keep the pot stirred.
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All the noise you are making here about defending drones on this post is as far as it goes. No one can hear it. Who cares if the AMA hates Multi Rotors. Who cares if they are only interested in fixed wing aircraft. Who cares if they kick us off 100% of their fields. The AMA is fighting for the hobbyist flying model aircraft and that's exactly what most of us are. Just check your ST-16 and see what model you are flying today. A win for them is a win for us regardless. They are the only advocate we have. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Pay the $50.00 and be an AMA card carrying member. When you get arrested for flying at night, near an airport, or using FPV goggles by uninformed law enforcement you have a very strong case against an illegal arrest as long as you have that AMA card in your pocket. Without that card you have no defense. Let's at least give a little credit to those AMA Fixed Wingers. They have a passion and respect for their hobby that most drone operators with their Best Buy drone will never comprehend. I know this because I have been on both sides of the fence. Spending hundreds of hours building something that you hope will fly is a little different that taking something out of a box and being airborne in 5 minutes. Most drone operators don't have a clue or could care less if someone was fighting for their rights until they wake up one day and have no rights.
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