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Lens upgrade opinion

No, not hard ... sometimes impossible ... wiggling stabilized=mush in some circumstances. Been fighting vibrations and expressing what is acceptable to me or not since I started a few years ago with the Matrix. Jiggling is NOT acceptable. I do already notice it on the stock CGO3+ but it's not as noticeable obviously. I am very very picky, as I like to trust I'm not losing a cool shot to minute motion blur ... too often things do fine in tests and for boring shots, but I get home thinking I got a great shot of something and find the gear failed me I get kinda uptight. Also, I don't like cropping in any more than 102% with Warp Stabilizer ... the compressed video is already compromised and "crappy" IMO, so that just makes it worse.

Not to hard to add a little stabilization in post. In a perfect world that would not be necessary.

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Here's that which I tried to post yesterday ...
Same 15 second, second time cropped into 200% (and moved up to show mountain)
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Miza, could the juggle be props slightly out of balance?
Also, things up close (in a shot with both near and far objects) will be jumpier than distant objects because the gimbal seems to be trying to hold the central (distant) object steady. The drone is always moving around a bit which is especially noticeable with near objects.
Could be unbalanced props, I've never checked. Of course, I've also gone down that path and found it's not props but lousy gimbal (settings/calibration/isolation) ....

The mountain 30 miles distant is twitching .. that's no foreground item! But I know what you are saying.

The gimbal twitches with the props off and hand carry ... but it also works fairly well on top of car driving ... so I don't think it's props)

I was spoiled by the Inspire 1 (but hated the tilted horizons, crappy codec, and they don't fold)
Here is the official response to my inquiry, from Peau:

I have some questions about the 8.25 lens when used with the Yuneec CGO3+ camera. I have seen reports of vibration issues when used for video. Your site states that the Peau can be used with the CGO3+ camera, and have several videos of the lens in use with the Typhoon H. Were any modifications/tweeks done to the gimbal mount during or post-installation to minimize vibration issues? I have no interest in getting a lens that will not provide improved resolution in both video and photos.

No modifications were done to reduce vibrations on the camera. The videos we show have the shutter speed manually set with various ND filters used, which will cause less rolling shutter affect (image jello). We have also minimally post stabilized some of the shots.

Using a narrower lens does require you to plan your shots and fly differently than a wider angle lens, but the resulting media is worth the effort.

Hmmmm... to quote "All the President's Men", that kinda sounds like a non-denial denial.
I have had a few decent shots from the lens .. but all required stabilization. There's no "planning" when it shows shuddering even at hover in calm air. In fact, the video looks better in fast forward flight!
I assume the earplug foam did not help? BTW, that photo looks great... but of course the video resolution
should somewhat match it. One of my limitations right now is not being able to view these at a full 4K.

What I am wondering is, if vibration is more of an issue with this longer lens, which video artifact becomes more apparent:

A) Cinematic video smoothness or rolling shutter effect, which calls for a slower shutter speed.
B) Minimizing physical vibration, which calls for a higher shutter speed.

Would the best solution be to simply accept more of A to get less of B?
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Please, Oh Jedi Video Master, Mickeyboo, provide us with some widsom... lest the Dark Side of DJI overtake us... :eek:
I thought some of what I saw in the mountain video to be frame rate induced but I'm no expert. The ND filters do help with some shutter issues though.

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Would also really like to hear if anyone has successfully used the Peau 8.25 with the action grip.
Here's a success story with the Peau 8.25 ... I did have to stabilize, but not much ... stock settings on Warp Stabilizer, came to 101%, which should tell you something. I flew for two batteries (which lasted over 10 minutes each) in 23 degree weather, high winds. Trying to capture powder blowing off trees .. this is the best I got (this time). I don't have wind measurement, but it was gusting pretty darn good, and I thought the H did great ...

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ND filters on (ND 16 that day I think) ... it's not frame rate .. it's camera jiggle. I put earplug foam in the dampeners .. .maybe fly tomorrow ... I'll report as findings indicate +/-

I thought some of what I saw in the mountain video to be frame rate induced but I'm no expert. The ND filters do help with some shutter issues though.

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Here's a success story with the Peau 8.25 ... I did have to stabilize, but not much ... stock settings on Warp Stabilizer, came to 101%, which should tell you something. I flew for two batteries (which lasted over 10 minutes each) in 23 degree weather, high winds. Trying to capture powder blowing off trees .. this is the best I got (this time). I don't have wind measurement, but it was gusting pretty darn good, and I thought the H did great ...

Steady enough for me by a long way. I shall proceed with getting the Peau 8.25 lens. Thanks for that.
Perhaps we need to remember the gimbal used on the H was designed around the camera and lens it has, and with what it has the gimbal is among the best, if not the best, I've seen for stabilization. It certainly doesn't mitigate 100% of all motion under all conditions but it wasn't designed to do that. It only needs to handle the weight and focal length it's fitted with, and it does that very, very well. As focal length increases any residual vibration is also magnified so what was present but unseen with the stock set up becomes more apparent. I'm sure many have used camera and lens combinations where at a normal focal length everything works great but at a 70X zoom the image became so blurred from vibration it was not usable. It's not a deficiency of the gimbal because it's doing exactly as designed to do with the equipment it was designed to serve. It's more a problem of us wanting more than we paid for and a desire to alter the parameters the gimbal was designed to handle. The Peau lens probably works just great by itself but to provide 100% of what it can do requires more stabilization, which we all know already.

So both products independent of each other function very well when used in the respective applications. It's when they are combined that a third influence affects image quality and that third influence, vibration, is one that affects all cameras and gimbals as focal length increases. We can't blame a compass for pointing north, it's doing what it's supposed to do, but if we want that compass to do more that point the direction we will need to establish a modification that will help it do so. With the H gimbal that may be as little as replacing the isolation balls with different ones of more rigid composition, which can be obtained after market at places like Tarot. It's going to require some experimentation.
Pulling the trigger and going to send cameras out to Frank today... one gets the Peau 8.25, the other the Pixaero 3.77
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Of course they did. Just as soon as people order new lenses someone comes out with new camera, lol.

Regarding the CGO-3 and the Peau, it might be a thought to start out by balancing the gimbal once the new lens is installed. If it doesn't hang level power off the tilt motor will be working harder which could be part of the problem. Same applies to horizontal balance. If the camera swings to either side in any amount when power is turned off it is not correctly balanced.

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