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Lost video feed on the controller a bit early



Hello. My second trip I started recording video and when I was venturing out, it seemed that I lost video feed. I thought I was going to get a farther range than what I experienced.

I didn't get a reading on my controller when I noticed the video feed loss (Distance to controller). I did install the (so-called) patch antenna (Square) to replace the mushroom antenna. It was pointing towards the "H".

I live in a rural area, so there is not much interference on the 5 and 2.4 range

Also, I read that the new firmware has the dual band redundancy for the controls. Is that 'automatic', or is there a setting that I need to enable (I couldn't find it).

I looked through the flight logs and I didn't see distance to controller was being logged (Unless it's a different name).

Any thoughts?
between 1/4-1/2 mile away LOS. I wish the logs would record the distance to controller also, thus me asking.
Have to watch your antenna orientation. The Camera uses a cloverleaf for the 5.8 video feed, as does the ST-16. Even with the patch antenna there is a slight null or no signal area when the antennas are facing directly towards each other. As you pan the camera around the antenna orientation is going to change. Next time try the patch antenna aimed at the H but maybe 10-15 degrees off of being straight at it. See if that helps. Also, can try more altitude, or rotate the camera around. I only use the stock antennas and took some playing to find the best angle to keep the one on the st-16 at.
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Have to watch your antenna orientation. The Camera uses a cloverleaf for the 5.8 video feed, as does the ST-16. Even with the patch antenna there is a slight null or no signal area when the antennas are facing directly towards each other. As you pan the camera around the antenna orientation is going to change. Next time try the patch antenna aimed at the H but maybe 10-15 degrees off of being straight at it. See if that helps. Also, can try more altitude, or rotate the camera around. I only use the stock antennas and took some playing to find the best angle to keep the one on the st-16 at.


Thank you for your advice. I was a bit low on elevation. I replaced the "mushroom" video feed for the square (updated) patch antenna Yuneec provided. Have you had any luck with the updated patch antenna?
Sorry, I don't use the patch one, Just the stock mushroom. about the furthest I have been out is 3000 feet at about 200 feet up. Had video ok, but line of site was almost gone.
I generally fly no more than 1000-1500 feet out, about the best my eyes will cope with.
So, I had an ALFA directional antenna sitting around in my parts box. I know it's designed for 2.4GHz, but I decided to give it a shot.

I went much further this time on my second flight! I am sure I could go farther, but I'm taking small steps getting more comfortable with the "H". Hopefully tomorrow I will see how far I can go before I lose video on the controller.

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Nice trick for setting the white balance. A suggestion if I may? Reduce the speed for the pan and tilt moves. Fast makes it uncomfortable for the viewer.

I can see why they named it Lone Pine. Do they still have one?;)
Thank you PatR. I know I need to work on pan/tilt. ;). Velocity mode is a beast. I have been getting used to angle.

There are quite a bit more pines. Don't know where "Daddy" pine is located. Maybe I will locate during a journey, ROFL.

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