Hello everyone,
So I was out getting extra footage of a home I had been hired to do multiple real estate videos for. New mulch and leaves and flowers blooming meant fresh footage. I have never had GPS issues at this property as it is an extremely large property with no trees or obstructions. I put the H up and immediately started setting up a very nice CCC route. Successfully set about 15 waypoints and saved the route... continued on to take some manual footage of the home with the remaining battery juice I had left. Brought H back, changed out the battery, turned it on and waited until I had good GPS lock.
This is where it got "not fun", I took off straight up and at about 15 or 20 ft I noticed the orange LED notification indicating GPS issue. The H started drifting slowly in different directions so I simply tried to control it and lower it to land. That's when it simply started flying one direction at about 50% speed... at this point it was flying towards a neighbors house, so i just remember trying anything to get it to change directions. The H changed directions and took off (what seemed to be) 100% rabbit directly towards subject house. Being that the house is listed at 1.5 million ... I was slightly panicking. I tried my best to just raise it to hopefully get over the roof, nope... smashed directly into the brick home. If I did clear the roof, that drone was on a one way flight far away from me.
If someone could take a look to see if it was operator error (did I not wait for enough satellites to lock?), did it lose all gps signal when it was in the air? Did my ST16 controls jam (if that's possible)? Also, if I would have had my RealSense module on, would that have allowed me to control it if I lost GPS?
Any observations are surely appreciated as I'm lost with this one.
Subject property that took the blunt of the H... I was located in the front lawn. Shot this home 6 times never an issue with GPS :-(
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