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New CGO4

What, no happy posts yet? I was hoping to read of a great couple initial flights by now.
LOL I just haven't had the chance to sit back down and post my 'happy' posts. So I successfully bound my st16 from my 480 to the 920 and all is great, I'm loving the stability of this aircraft. The only glitch I've had was this morning after getting approval to fly downtown (Boise,Id) through LAANC, the controller gave me a FFZ message. I dismissed it because I was informed that the 920 had no restrictions in the software for a NFZ, Hah. Hit the start and nothing except the tone of the aircraft letting you know it will not start. Total embarrassment, I was lucky I had my 480 with me that is unlocked. Now I have to go through the hassle of getting the unlock code from Yuneec. I just hope it won't take forever.
Thanks for all your help too. I have sent the faulty controller back to the seller and they will be sending me a new one.
That's great news glad it's getting better for you. The seller you got it from has great people there
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Accirding to conversations with Yuneec, the Plus should not have NFZ restrictions. Your experience is alarming but at the same time has me thinking the code is from the Typhoon H side of the firmware.
Well I know that I need an aircraft that I can use within that 3 mile radius of our airport. That was one of the features of the 920 that sold me on the Tornado. It was pretty **** embarrassing talking with your client about the shots he wants, clear the area and then nothing. Now I'm stressing on getting this taken care of. Yuneec still hasn't sent me the code to unlock my 2nd 480 that I use as a backup to the first 480. I'm not exactly sure what I should do next, I certainly don't want to return the 920 to the seller because of NFZ problems, but if I can't fly it where I need to, it's pretty much useless to me.
Well I know that I need an aircraft that I can use within that 3 mile radius of our airport. That was one of the features of the 920 that sold me on the Tornado. It was pretty **** embarrassing talking with your client about the shots he wants, clear the area and then nothing. Now I'm stressing on getting this taken care of. Yuneec still hasn't sent me the code to unlock my 2nd 480 that I use as a backup to the first 480. I'm not exactly sure what I should do next, I certainly don't want to return the 920 to the seller because of NFZ problems, but if I can't fly it where I need to, it's pretty much useless to me.
I've got 2 original 920's. If you wanted to work something out I could do some trading. I've got 2 because I like to have a backup and extra parts. Th shipping is the killer. I live in MN by SD. I had the + that I purchased from the same Ebay dealer and had a bad controller and other issues so I returned and got my 2nd 920 orig.
The controller he’s using now came with a Typhoon H, not his 920. All the H systems have NFZ’s installed. That’s something he might want to talk to Yuneec about to assure they don’t send him an ST-16 pulled from Typhoon H inventory. If they take the fastest, easiest way to close out the ticket it’s what they will do. Yuneec has plainly stated they don’t apply NFZ’s to their commercial birds.
The controller he’s using now came with a Typhoon H, not his 920. All the H systems have NFZ’s installed. That’s something he might want to talk to Yuneec about to assure they don’t send him an ST-16 pulled from Typhoon H inventory. If they take the fastest, easiest way to close out the ticket it’s what they will do. Yuneec has plainly stated they don’t apply NFZ’s to their commercial birds.
So the 16 that is paired to the 920+ is a different one than the 16 paired with the 480? So theirs code that's in the one but not the other?

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