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Opinions on this photo please

Jul 18, 2016
Reaction score
England UK

Taken this evening,white balance locked on sunset mode and manual exposure and no filters used.
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Reactions: zandoli
I'm no pro photographer. I do like the photo,
Great colours in the sky, love the tree line.
Its a little to dark below the tree line. You can play with that in photoshop or lightroom to get the best effect
I can't make it any larger than a post card on a 40" screen. Looks good in the post but lacking the ability to make it full screen even on a 15" laptop there's not much more I can say.
I am sorry it is so small,the original photo is not this small obviously,it is in fact photobucket that has automatically made it this size,any suggestions on a better well suited Photo hosting site would be appreciated.
+1 What FJ said.
It takes pure luck or a very good photographer to get satisfactory shots straight out of the camera especially with the limitations we have here.
You can work wonders with Lightroom or the likes.
Bring up the shadows, colour, etc etc etc.
Takes the thing to a different dimension.
Shoot in raw for the best adjustability.
I am sorry it is so small,the original photo is not this small obviously,it is in fact photobucket that has automatically made it this size,any suggestions on a better well suited Photo hosting site would be appreciated.
Don't host the file anywhere just upload it right here to your post then we can look at it in a larger size. It may not be full size but it will be larger that what we currently see.
Awesome colours! But for me if you have a silhouette it needs to be more of an interesting subject, perhaps a single tree on a hill or ridge in silhouette. That tree on the right would do it for me.

I've never seen photobucket present a picture quite as small as that. Consider something like 500px if you want a decent image hosting provider and it embeds well in this forum e.g.


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