Looking into Micro SD cards that could handle the data flow from the Typhoon H 4k video camera. Super good sale on a solid PNY 64gb U3 class 10 running at 90mb/s at $19.99 from B&H camera in NY. If you have a Fry's (Out West) near you they also have it on sale for even cheaper at $14.99.
Link to the sale:B&H Mirco SD U3 Class 10 - $19.99
PNY Technologies 64GB High Performance UHS-I P-SDUX64U360G-GE
Link to same sale at Fry's - West Coast H Typhooner's $14.99
PNY High Performance 64GB High Speed MicroSDHC Class 10 UHS-I, U3 up to 60MB/sec Flash Memory CardTyphoners
Link to the sale:B&H Mirco SD U3 Class 10 - $19.99
PNY Technologies 64GB High Performance UHS-I P-SDUX64U360G-GE
Link to same sale at Fry's - West Coast H Typhooner's $14.99
PNY High Performance 64GB High Speed MicroSDHC Class 10 UHS-I, U3 up to 60MB/sec Flash Memory CardTyphoners