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Problem camera mantis q

Jan 5, 2021
Reaction score
Cambie la cámara de mi mantis que por que la orijinal se rompió pero aora lo único que se ve graba pero no se mueve asia riva y asia bajo

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I changed the camera of my mantis because the original one broke but now the only thing that is seen records but does not move asia riva and asia under.
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I think what you are saying is that you replaced the camera on your Mantis Q and it records photos and videos, but you are unable to move the camera up and down.

This sounds like the servo motor is jammed or the circuitry that controls the servo was damaged when the original camera broke.

With power off gently move the camera to point down. Now power up the Mantis and observe the camera. It should move to the horizontal position during the initialization. If it does not, recheck the connections.
Lo ise y sigue igual sin moverse

I saw it and it remains the same without moving

Le tomo fotos y las subo

I take pictures and upload them
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So I understand that with the camera pointing down it stays in that position when you power up the Mantis Q.

To upload a photo use the Attach files button below the reply box and select the photos from where they are stored on your computer or phone. Then on the uploaded file select Insert and Full image.
No iso nada solo prendió y fue todo

He did nothing, he just turned on and it was all
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