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Problems with the H since release.

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Here you go ***. I just found this site. But I can see I won't stay long with people like you. Was asked to post about problems or issues I did.

Was looking for the actual crash to happen.
By the looks of the tree's did not look all that windy.
Did you just get to close and it drifted a bit.

And by the way, ya these guys are rather sensitive if your a newbie
on this forum and say something negative about there H.

Oh heck if your a newb and say something positive your just using psychology to trick them. LOL

Just don't take it personal.
Who were you talking to?? That is wrong!!
The jury is out on this but I would not go below 3.5v per cell.
It is a 4 cell battery so that is 14v total. At that point you should be on the ground.
With these untested batteries....I would make that 14.5-15 v range to be safe for now.
"Bleeding Edge Technology" .... yeah, it's safer to wait, but more exciting out front. Most of us in the U.S. are here because of bold actions by ancestors that immigrated here and some still have that pioneering spirit! :D

I didn't spend $1400 to be a beta tester...Yuneec had plenty of time to work out the bugs before shipping them out....hope any issues we see are quickly addressed by Yuneec.
I didn't spend $1400 to be a beta tester...Yuneec had plenty of time to work out the bugs before shipping them out....hope any issues we see are quickly addressed by Yuneec.

The obvious question here is why in the world you spent $1400 when MSRP is $1299
I think we touched a nerve there..oppsy...With the amount of Trolls on here lately we may seem a bit skeptical agreed but nothing personal mind ya..

Was it me or did i miss the crash footage in that video?

Now he's leaving.. well all i can say is Buhhh Byeeee

Well you don't have to worry. This 73 year old man will not bother you asses again. I was asked to post. Then get insulted. This is my first drone. And I am glad I have it. Its a shame that people like you screw it for other people
How would one know which "batch" Yuneec was on? Mine isn't due to ship from Amazon until the first week of June. How quickly does Yuneec implement fixes and what's the assembly line time frame? I don't think anyone knows that but Yuneec.
Let's chill out here. nomad41 is a legitimate new user with a valid post but was immediately jumped on by several members from the get go. We aren't interested in operating a forum that is unwelcome to new users.


you are right....a few of us jumped the gun and just assumed he was a basher....i personally apologize to him....with the abundance of trollers some of us just assumed that he was one of them....again MY apologies....
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Let's chill out here. nomad41 is a legitimate new user with a valid post but was immediately jumped on by several members from the get go. We aren't interested in operating a forum that is unwelcome to new users.



Not justifying a thing but it gets tough telling the trolls from the legits. as i'm sure you have seen we have had a few in here as of late, I for one mistook him for one of the troll's, stalkers,basher whatever you want to call it.. My apologies to the new user.
No problem. If you aren't sure, report them then assume they are legit. I'll dig around and find out for sure.

So those following the Australia news, here is what I was told Yesterday from a retailer in Fountain Gate.
Asked for an update on arrival times for the H. Was told they should arrive in store Monday if delivery has no flaws. So I asked if after the "pre orders" are finalised, how long is the wait for people like myself who want to walk in off the street and buy on the spot will take and his reply to that was, we cannot confirm when the next order will arrive yet. but he mentioned that after his "pre orders" are done, they will have a couple left for sale.
I then asked him if they have been issued with anything from Yuneec in relations to faults or issues with the craft and his reply was that they are finding that a fan is loose inside the ST16 controller and those already shipped will have to deal with it either by opening the controller themselves OR sending it to the allocated repair center in Tullamarine (forget their name). So i asked if warranty will be void if owners open the controller and he could not answer that which to be fair is the right thing to do.
He did not say anything about the other issues people are posting here so my guess is those are not so common as the fan issue YET.
Either way, I am still looking forward to my H but I will wait as the issues mentioned in here are a problem, I am sure the one where the motors rev up while landing is a simple firmware fix as soon as Yuneec sort it out. Lets see how Yuneec handles this.
I am not yet a H owner but have really enjoyed operating three Yuneec built machines ( 350QX V1, 3500QX3 and Chroma 4K). Still flying all three.
Trying to learn as much about the H as I can and "reading the mail" on this forum has been very helpful. Thanks.
I am just waiting for the initial early production issues that exist on all new products to be resolved. Info from this forum indicate that the issues are few.
I owned a 3DR Solo for two weeks last June so you can understand my caution.
Hope I am not considered a troll.
Ahhhhh.... Why I hesitated not to be in the first batch released. First production runs are really rushed and new employees being trained, quality issues and last min. changes that don't get communicated. I'm looking at July to get my "H"... I'm happy to wait for the bug out...

I'm concerned more about the fly away that DopeD had. That's not good.

As for the rev'ing up of the blades on landing that's to be expected when you get into the ground effect and the air loops around so the blades would speed up and cause it to become light and want to bounce easily. Which is why I don't like auto landing systems. Also are there ultrasonic sensors on the bottom? I thought I saw some in the pics where these would be used to assist in the auto land function.... Might be an issue there.

I'm with you on that mate. No hurry to buy. will see how things pan out.
There were some good things to be learned from Nomad41's video.
  • The H will easily handle 12 to 15mph winds and remain stable. The trees provide wind speed reference.
  • The gimbal rejects vibration very well, Note the vibration at the gear legs not telegraphed through the video.
  • The camera and lens are very non distortional. Note the flat horizon and straight lines of the roof peaks as he tilts down.
That Nomad41 is pretty new to this is sort of evident by how he was using the system. He forgot to raise the gear, no big deal and actually helpful for assessing vibration rejection. The camera was left in "Auto" mode as indicated by the overly bright whites in the video. Again, no big deal because it takes time for people to start exploring. Photography is not something that comes automatically for anyone. The flight mode was probably Smart Mode since that's the easiest for a new user to stay out of trouble with.

I didn't go back to see what had happened with the flight or aircraft but I would like to thank Nomad41 for providing some good information, even if it wasn't intentional.
I also received an ST16 with a part rattling around inside. I opened the case, only enough to shake out the detached cooling fan motor blade/rotor. I was unable to completely open the case. As of now, Yuneec has NOT responded to my inquiry asking for directions on what to do.
I have flown the 'H' several times with no ill effect but the outside air temperature has been moderate - below 90 F.
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