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RealSense Out in UK, Two Week Till USA/Canada

Mar 2, 2016
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Called Yuneec USA, here's a first! Our friends across the Pond, finally get something 1st from Yuneec! LOL ! RealSense is available now to them! (Yeah!) and Y-USA said in 'Two Week Yuneec" we will have ours! Batteries same scenario! Don't think I will be interested at this point!, But have been known to change my mind!:D
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How much DC?
Be awhile B4 I can have that much.$510.00
I will probably get the RealSense, I think it would be fun to play with.
I must admit I never turn on the Obstacle Avoidance because it fly's
to darn slow.
Still it would come in handy if you flew in tight spaces.
Be awhile B4 I can have that much.$510.00
I honestly do not think they will sell well at that price! Like Jimmy said, if we are not using Obstacle Avoidance(Some of us!) Why pay that much. Let's start a Lottery of the price it will come out on, winner gets a free RealSense, compliments of Jimmylee! !!! LOL !!!
I'll say=$299.99, Keep that on file Jimmy !;)
I would too. I wonder why they don't release it all at the same time . Slow boat from China. Oh well. It would be great if thos of us (beta testers) would receive a discount.
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Tim Yuneec USA, I see your on the forum now( I see youuu!) Can you shed any light on the cost of the RealSense coming out in couple weeks that one of you reps told me ? Thanks! Pleeeasee!
I honestly do not think they will sell well at that price! Like Jimmy said, if we are not using Obstacle Avoidance(Some of us!) Why pay that much. Let's start a Lottery of the price it will come out on, winner gets a free RealSense, compliments of Jimmylee! !!! LOL !!!
I'll say=$299.99, Keep that on file Jimmy !;)

Funny man DC, how about if your wrong you buy me one! ;)

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