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RTH Question

Jun 7, 2016
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RTH works fine when I flip the switch.


How do I know the RTH will work if it goes out of range? I sure as **** dont want to chance this by just sending it out on some long distance run and it never comes home, how can I test to make sure that this drone will come home on its own if it looses the signal? Because if I just send it out and it doesn't come home, I will probably faint. LOL :eek:


RTH works fine when I flip the switch.


How do I know the RTH will work if it goes out of range? I sure as **** dont want to chance this by just sending it out on some long distance run and it never comes home, how can I test to make sure that this drone will come home on its own if it looses the signal? Because if I just send it out and it doesn't come home, I will probably faint. LOL :eek:


Unfortunately that will be your only way to test it, other that flipping the switch ! If the switch activates RTH, then the odd are very likely RTH will activate during a disconnect-"AS LONG AS YOU HAVE GPS SIGNAL" If not your screwed with the switch or without ! Lifes a Beach and then you Surf !;)
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The H receives the GPS and transmits that to the ST16, so technically both. You can monitor the number of satellites and strength of signal on the ST16

Hmmm, well I have seen on the ST16 at times 16 satellites or there abouts on the top right of the screen, but there are times on the left side of the screen that info on the H like battery and things go blank. But I can see it in the air and I have complete control of it but the left side of the screen has no data then when it gets back data on the left side reappears. I was only out maybe a couple of blocks or so. But there was a lot of electrical wires around. Where do you look on the screen to see the strength of the signal? Upper right where the sats are? Have you ever lost the battery signal on the left side of the screen where the battery displays amount for the H while flying?
Hmmm, well I have seen on the ST16 at times 16 satellites or there abouts on the top right of the screen, but there are times on the left side of the screen that info on the H like battery and things go blank. But I can see it in the air and I have complete control of it but the left side of the screen has no data then when it gets back data on the left side reappears. I was only out maybe a couple of blocks or so. But there was a lot of electrical wires around. Where do you look on the screen to see the strength of the signal? Upper right where the sats are? Have you ever lost the battery signal on the left side of the screen where the battery displays amount for the H while flying?
I have yet to lose the left side of my screen , on upper right you see the number of satellites and to the left you can see the graduating bars that will tell you the wifi signal strength(Like on you Cell phone) make sure you have at least 75% bar strength on wifi. I have found that even if you have alot of rebar in the concrete/asphalt under you when you fly, or near homes with wifi, it can mess up your wifi signal on the ST16, I don't have a issue because I always fly out in the open away from metal and buildings. Take her out to desolate area if you haven't already and see if it responds okay, then you know what the problem is, interference !
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I have yet to lose the left side of my screen , on upper right you see the number of satellites and to the left you can see the graduating bars that will tell you the wifi signal strength(Like on you Cell phone) make sure you have at least 75% bar strength on wifi. I have found that even if you have alot of rebar in the concrete/asphalt under you when you fly, or near homes with wifi, it can mess up your wifi signal on the ST16, I don't have a issue because I always fly out in the open away from metal and buildings. Take her out to desolate area if you haven't already and see if it responds okay, then you know what the problem is, interference !

Great idea, and thank you for your response. I noticed that wifi signal (like on my cell) but didn't think that it was the 16 to the H and that I should monitor that signal. DUH, I actually thought that was the wifi to the satellites.LOL. I guess I thought that because its right next to the satellite icon. LOL. OMG what the heck was I thinking. :rolleyes:
Sam the telemetry left is your TH and across the top is the ST 16. Both have their own satellites or GPS. Is this clear as mud? Fly safe.
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There are 3 signal connections between the H and the ST16. Video, Control and Telemetry. The right mushroom antenna is video, the left is control and the telemetry antenna is inside the ST16 and seems to be the weakest signal from what I've seen. The strongest connection is the Control, so it would be the last to lose connection. If you lose the telemetry signal, climb to a safe altitude and hit RTH until you get the signal back. You could probably test the loss of control signal by hanging a piece of aluminum foil over the left antenna. An important thing to remember with auto return home.....as the H flies back, it will stop when it regains the control signal even if video and telemetry are still disconnected. It will hover waiting for stick input. If you can't see it you won't realize it has gone to hover waiting for you to tell it what to do. It will sit there until the battery runs down and then it will autoland where it is. Soooo.........always hit RTH until you have visual and then switch back to Angle or Smart to finish your flight.
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There are 3 signal connections between the H and the ST16. Video, Control and Telemetry. The right mushroom antenna is video, the left is control and the telemetry antenna is inside the ST16 and seems to be the weakest signal from what I've seen. The strongest connection is the Control, so it would be the last to lose connection. If you lose the telemetry signal, climb to a safe altitude and hit RTH until you get the signal back. You could probably test the lose of control signal by hanging a piece of aluminum foil over the left antenna. An important thing to remember with auto return home.....as the H flies back, it will stop when it regains the control signal even if video and telemetry are still disconnected. It will hover waiting for stick input. If you can't see it you won't realize it has gone to hover waiting for you to tell it what to do. It will sit there until the battery runs down and then it will autoland where it is. Soooo.........always hit RTH until you have visual and then switch back to Angle or Smart to finish your flight.

Thank you Steve, very informative and needed. I had no idea of really any of this. Its nice to know that if the battery rundown it will auto land. I will also make sure if it ever does go out of range RTH will be flipped and when it regains connection it will still return home. Its good info you provided me. Thanks :)
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Sam can I make a suggestion. Take your ST16 out then keep it near or in your hands. If you want put the neck strap on so it won't fall an play with it turn it on, go into the apps,feel the cyclics. Make it a part of you for a few days, when you can. This is how quarter backs get use to a football. You will amaze yourself how much this will help. Fly safe.
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To test RTH why not just power down the ST16, I know it triggers RTH with the Phantoms.
To test RTH why not just power down the ST16, I know it triggers RTH with the Phantoms.
When you power off the ST16 to trigger RTH it will auto land around 26' away from the controller in the line of flight. If there is anything in that path it will hit it on the way down. You may not get the controller turned on and reconnected in time. If you have plenty of room to test it, then by all means do so.
When you power off the ST16 to trigger RTH it will auto land around 26' away from the controller in the line of flight. If there is anything in that path it will hit it on the way down. You may not get the controller turned on and reconnected in time. If you have plenty of room to test it, then by all means do so.

According to the manual, page 9, so turning off rc should be good test.

NOTICE: If the signal of remote control is lost,

Typhoon H will automatically return to home point

and hold its position (with a suitable GPS signal/lock)

over the home position except for low battery
According to the manual, page 9, so turning off rc should be good test.

NOTICE: If the signal of remote control is lost,

Typhoon H will automatically return to home point

and hold its position (with a suitable GPS signal/lock)

over the home position except for low battery
Yes, that is all correct and I would expect it to function in that fashion. The Q500 is identical in RTH. The problem with turning off the ST10 is the fact that you are no longer in control of your aircraft and you have done that intentionally. It's just my personal opinion that a pilot should never intentionally disable the flight controls. If you use tin foil to temporarily block the left antenna signal I would expect it to reconnect quickly. I would only do so in a remote area where there are no bystanders. Shutting down the ST10 could take several minutes to reconnect while blocking the control signal should only take a few seconds to reconnect.
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RTH works fine when I flip the switch.


How do I know the RTH will work if it goes out of range? I sure as **** dont want to chance this by just sending it out on some long distance run and it never comes home, how can I test to make sure that this drone will come home on its own if it looses the signal? Because if I just send it out and it doesn't come home, I will probably faint. LOL :eek:


It can be a scary nail biting experience when all signal is lost. But, as long as the Home Point was recorded on take off and the drone has a GPS connection (i.e. not under a bridge), then it will 100% come nack to you, as long as:
- immediately upon losing all video connection you increase altitude to 60 meters (200 feet), if not already there
- you have sufficient battery power
- you don't cancel return to home before you see it, or receive a video signal
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Since Yuneec controllers have onboard GPS, home is always the ST16 or the last known position of the ST16. If you move the controller 1/2 mile as you are flying, the home point moves as well. That is why you never launch until both the H and the ST16 have sat lock. So there really is no home point as such.
It can be a scary nail biting experience when all signal is lost. But, as long as the Home Point was recorded on take off and the drone has a GPS connection (i.e. not under a bridge), then it will 100% come nack to you, as long as:
- immediately upon losing all video connection you increase altitude to 60 meters (200 feet), if not already there
- you have sufficient battery power
- you don't cancel return to home before you see it, or receive a video signal

will the ST16 inform you that it is returning home? or do you wait till you hear the props to know for sure?
To test RTH why not just power down the ST16, I know it triggers RTH with the Phantoms.

I used to do this regularly with my P2, I'd loose signal at about 2.5km so I'd just turn off the controller and go inside and make a cup of tea until I heard the thing landing outside.
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