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S1 and S2 when flying POI?

One of them is the center point that you want to orbit around and the other is the height and radius from the center that you want to orbit.

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One of them is the center point that you want to orbit around and the other is the height and radius from the center that you want to orbit.

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Hi, I am asking about the S1 and S2 settings. Yes I follow the instructions - they don't say anyting abot S1/S2,
What are the 'S1' and 'S2' settings referring to?

You only have to set the center point and the radius/height of the orbit.

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I always fly S1 in Angle... S2 in Follow(F).This way, the camera is always locked with the front of the H. You can fly S2 in Global as well if that's your preference which will keep the camera gimbal tracking on your target until you use the K1 knob to rotate the gimbal. I just find that Follow (F) on S2 allows for finer control as you rotate he H. It's a matter of preference really, what the goal at hand is, and what you get used to, especially in CCC.
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Is there any way to control the speed that the H moves around the POI? I have tried Rabbit and Turtle and they seem to go the same speed...
One person in a thread suggested a quick tap on the stick the direction you want to go. The more 'taps' on the stick, the faster it will go.

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Actually, since the last firmware update, I've found I just move the stick back the opposite direction about halfway. That slows the H to about half of the normal 11mph from which POI begins.
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And you're correct....the rabbit and turtle mode slider have nothing to do with speed in POI, CCC, or orbit, for that matter.
And you're correct....the rabbit and turtle mode slider have nothing to do with speed in POI, CCC, or orbit, for that matter.

It would be nice if in a future firmware update the slider could also be used to control the speed in the POI, CCC, and orbit modes.

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