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S1 / S2 position...

Apr 6, 2016
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Hi, I have tried to understand the settings for S1 and S2 when I wanna fly POI and Circle Me, but I'm not sure how to set the two switches when I want the cam to "autopoint" to the center.... Who can explain or tell me where to read about it?

Best from Sweden
I have been trying to get my head round this too and I think;
S2 switch for pan - When Up (f) it points forwards all the time
Centre position you can manually pan the camera
Bottom position when you rotate the aircraft the camera stays in the same orientation always pointing at one position. So if you aim camera at say a tree, then fly round and round the camera will always point at the tree

S1 switch - When the switch is up or middle then the tilt is manual and the slider works the angle of tilt. I think Up and middle position are identical?
When the switch is bottom (V) the slider controls the speed of the tilt
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I have been trying to get my head round this too and I think;
S2 switch for pan - When Up (f) it points forwards all the time
Centre position you can manually pan the camera
Bottom position when you rotate the aircraft the camera stays in the same orientation always pointing at one position. So if you aim camera at say a tree, then fly round and round the camera will always point at the tree

S1 switch - When the switch is up or middle then the tilt is manual and the slider works the angle of tilt. I think Up and middle position are identical?
When the switch is bottom (V) the slider controls the speed of the tilt[/QUOTE

Thanx alot! I will try that tomorrow and will come back with the result! ;)
Thanx alot!! I will for sure try that tomorrow and you'll have my feedback! ;)
I tested w/o flying... You seem to be 98% right - :) When you have the S1 DOWN you can tilt the cam a bit UPWARDS too! Thanx again On The Ropes!
That is correct. Sorry to be a pedant but you mean the dial to the right of both S1 and S2
Hi again ON The Ropes...I have now tested IRL your S1/S2 tips and advices... they all worked out as you said! THANX!

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