I'm not sure I can get help for this, but wanted to convey a very scary circumstance. I was flying down a river on a battery with about 75% power, then flew back. UAV was acting weird, then got the vibration signal that it was running low on battery. I couldn't just return to home because I had trees in the way. So I got it to enough clearing that I could return to home, but the buzzing kept going. I knew I was losing battery fast. The problem was the UAV was about 10' below me because I was on a knoll above the river. The return to home (RTH) got it to about 40' away, over the river, and stopped. I didn't have any control over it at all. As the buzzing turned to almost continuous mode, I thought I was going to lose it in the fast moving river, or at best, crash on the shore. Taking it out of Home mode, I managed to get it to about eye level, and somehow got it close enough to me to grab a hold of, and then the power died. Thank goodness I had it in my hand or it would have crashed.
Anyone else have connectivity problems when the batter is not fully charged? It makes me very nervous to fly it very far.
Anyone else have connectivity problems when the batter is not fully charged? It makes me very nervous to fly it very far.