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ST16 Screen dead

Jul 5, 2021
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Has anyone had a problem with the screen suddenly stopped working? Batteries are fully charged, when I turn on the ST16 the blue light comes on but nothing on the screen or noise from the fan. It was working fine had 30% battery life left, moved to a different field 10 min down the road and that's when it all started.
Any help would be appreciated
I have had the same issue. The problem is with the android pad part firmware. Didn't try to repair it because I have a lot of remotes. The flight controller part should work. Check for a beep when moving the side sliders.
There is beeps when moving the D pads and some other buttons. Is there anything that can be done to fix it.
Probably nothing simple. The controller won't be connected via the USB port. No idea how to reflash it but this is possible for sure. There is a boot hidden button as in the ST10 and I have to reflash one but the how-to wasn't mine. A flashing procedure for the ST16 is not public available yet.

Some people in the forum will be interested in this topic, so there is a chance to back it to life.

Be patient... ;)
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Reactions: Steve Carr
Factory reset (through recovery mode) or a full reflash (in Fastboot mode) will probably make it go again from the sounds.
I don't know what button combinations get you into those modes though...

You'll need to use command line tools for Fastboot mode, but it's basically the same for every android device so there's millions of guides about that out there.
I would recommend trying to use the guidance and software link provided in ST16 Unlock for Typhoon H.pdf. The guidance was written to get around a bad password. But what it does is a factory reset initiated by using "Minimal ADB and Fastboot”. If the USB port is working, and if the problem is only a glitch in the APP firmware, this process might recover the screen.

Edit: You will have to ignore the "allow time for the password screen" part of Step 3 since your screen is not working. Allow a couple of minutes at that point, then proceed. However, I'm not sure if the Android Recovery Screen will appear at Step 10 due to the unknown nature of your screen failure. If the Android Recovery Screen does not display, then this process is not going to work as written and probably not at all.
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Měl někdo problém s tím, že obrazovka najednou přestala fungovat? Baterie jsou plně nabité, když zapnu ST16, rozsvítí se modré světlo, ale na obrazovce nic ani hluk z ventilátoru. Fungovalo to dobře, zbývalo 30% výdrže baterie, přesunulo se na jiné pole 10 minut po silnici a tehdy to všechno začalo.
Jakákoli pomoc by byla oceněna
Ahoj, já jsem našel problém na SD kartě v kameře. Zkusil jsem jinou SD kartu a problém nebyl. Zaseklo se to. Znova restart a zkusit.

Hi, I found a problem with the SD card in the camera. I tried another SD card and there was no problem. It got stuck. Restart again and try.
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Has anyone had a problem with the screen suddenly stopped working? Batteries are fully charged, when I turn on the ST16 the blue light comes on but nothing on the screen or noise from the fan. It was working fine had 30% battery life left, moved to a different field 10 min down the road and that's when it all started.
Any help would be appreciated
Hello, a year later, were you able to fix it? any solutions to this problem? Thanks.
Hello, a year later, were you able to fix it? any solutions to this problem? Thanks.
It looks like @Farmerfurr has not visited the Forum for more than a year. He mentioned in another thread he had replaced this controller. There was no mention of a successful repair to the original.

Please describe the exact behavior of your controller
Please describe anything that happened to the controller between the last time it worked normally and the first time it did not. Bumps, firmware updates, APP installations, resets, settings changes, long storage period, repairs, modifications or anything else you can think of.
It looks like @Farmerfurr has not visited the Forum for more than a year. He mentioned in another thread he had replaced this controller. There was no mention of a successful repair to the original.

Please describe the exact behavior of your controller
Please describe anything that happened to the controller between the last time it worked normally and the first time it did not. Bumps, firmware updates, APP installations, resets, settings changes, long storage period, repairs, modifications or anything else you can think of.
Hi, thanks for getting back to me.

So, after not using my drone for a few months, I tried to power it up again, but the remote fans aren't spinning, even though the power light turns on. I checked the remote battery, and it seems fine – I can even hear the beeps when I press the buttons or levers. I tried connecting it to my PC, but it doesn't recognize it. I also tried a trick I read about repeatedly pressing the middle button during startup, but that didn't work either. I live in a very humid area, so I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it, but I'm not a technician, so I couldn't say for sure. Like I mentioned before, I haven't made any changes to the remote. I did install the latest firmware update, but that was long before the issue and it was working fine after that.
Hi, thanks for getting back to me.

So, after not using my drone for a few months, I tried to power it up again, but the remote fans aren't spinning, even though the power light turns on. I checked the remote battery, and it seems fine – I can even hear the beeps when I press the buttons or levers. I tried connecting it to my PC, but it doesn't recognize it. I also tried a trick I read about repeatedly pressing the middle button during startup, but that didn't work either. I live in a very humid area, so I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it, but I'm not a technician, so I couldn't say for sure. Like I mentioned before, I haven't made any changes to the remote. I did install the latest firmware update, but that was long before the issue and it was working fine after that.
It could be several things. Bad connections are certainly one. Random firmware failure another, screen failure and/or video board failure.
One quick check is to see if the video board itself is working. This can be done fairly easily by plugging in an external monitor using the HDMI slot on the top of the controller.
Another quick check would be to check the battery voltage using a multimeter if you have not already done so.
It could be several things. Bad connections are certainly one. Random firmware failure another, screen failure and/or video board failure.
One quick check is to see if the video board itself is working. This can be done fairly easily by plugging in an external monitor using the HDMI slot on the top of the controller.
Another quick check would be to check the battery voltage using a multimeter if you have not already done so.
Thanks, I'll try all of these.

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