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ST16 Signal Processing Overview


Staff member
Premium Pilot
Oct 27, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina Piedmont, USA
Hardware Monitor is an EXCELLENT tool for its purpose, which is essentially checking the nearly raw output of each controller. Its main drawback is not in itself, but in us, the pilots. Many pilots believe what is shown in Hardware Monitor is what is going to the drone. It is not. And sometimes dangerously not.
This drawing was recently developed in relation to an active thread. The drawing may help explain why checking the final output display is a better indication of what the controller is sending:

Signal Overview.jpg

This drawing has been added to the "Way To Fix Drones project" document as new Attachment 27.
So you are saying the actual signal that goes to the H is the graph on the right side? The one that is accessed by a double tap on the voltage?
Hardware Monitor is an EXCELLENT tool for its purpose, which is essentially checking the nearly raw output of each controller. Its main drawback is not in itself, but in us, the pilots. Many pilots believe what is shown in Hardware Monitor is what is going to the drone. It is not. And sometimes dangerously not.
This drawing was recently developed in relation to an active thread. The drawing may help explain why checking the final output display is a better indication of what the controller is sending:
View attachment 19784

This drawing has been added to the "Way To Fix Drones project" document as new Attachment 27.
Also there is buffer coding at the K3 step to deal with noisy pots.
The final value display is limited in that it does not provide labels to identify functions and components. This chart will give a general point of reference for recognizing "What is normal". Note this chart applies to only an ST16, and only if that ST16 is in the normal MODE 2 configuration.

Final Display.jpg
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