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ST16s+ firmware H3

Oct 29, 2020
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I m asking any people have firmware of st16s for H3?
Because i have buy an st16s and actual firmware is for h+.

Thank for your help
Little offtopic, but I want to know. What is the difference in the controller firmware for these two copters? Only related to the camera?
Are the ST16 and ST16S hardware the same?
Is st16s and is exactly sames. Just yuneec has block software for one drone.
Today yuneec say me we have need to send rc in rma for change firmware.
But i think i can make it...
For me yuneec are not transparent in her hardware.
Let me ask more deeply. The controller doesn't bind to the craft or what?

Explain to me, please, what exactly happens and where is the problem to use this ST16S with exact this H3.
IMHO, channels are the same for all known by me copters, so where is the difference? I'm asking not from simple curiosity.
Upside your controller is mark h+ or H3 or h520 is your soft is h+ you can bind just h+ if is h520 you can just bind h520 if is h3 just h3.
You can't swallow easly you rc whith other copter
Interesting... This should be avoidable. What Yuneec is expecting with this turn?

I have not any of these copters nor ST16S, but I'll try to buy one of these controllers.

Final idea is to get all the best from every one of them and prepare something usable for all machines. This will be done not today or tomorrow because there is some time gap from purchase to have in hands, but the process goes.
Ask what they mean for "system" and "app"? Should you reflash the copter too ;)

The reasonable turn is to read the whole flash memory now, send the controller to RMA (WTF?), and after that read the flash one more time. BTW, I'm looking for some reader solution. Asked one guy but for now no answer.

They are asking money for reflashing?
The ST16S for the H520 and the TH Plus are identical and I suspect the H3 also. The only difference for the H520 and the TH Plus is in the firmware and software. In fact some actually control both with the same ST16S. Both flight control programs are loaded and they launch the one required before binding the aircraft.
So, probably swapping the launcher will give a solution?

I mean android app.
Yes i think ?
But we have need this app before swap ?
Do you have your SZt16S that came with the H3? It should have the downloaded firmware on it.
Hum i don t have my uav for this moment.
Is due to new european rules come to january.
Im video maker for wedding and i have buy a st16s for test whith uav of a friend.
Now i buy my personnal h3 in jannuary or february when yuneec confirm printed ce drone a ready.
But i want my st16s are ready for first wedding in february. If i need to send it for one or two month is the moment...
Your new H3 will come without any controller?
You bought ST16S, which works with friends copter, but the copter is not H3? Or it's H3 and you can't drive it? Why just not training with whole friend's equipment?

If the quality of ST16S is the same as this ST16, which I got with the second-hand H, you'll be very disappointed. Guy, who sold me the drone, was tried a few hours. After that, he has dropped the idea for two years. The reason, as I resolve after the purchase, was no stable ST16 behavior. Repairable, but this is not a fair game from the manufacturer's side.

What the rules you mentioned? Link, please.
The goal of second st16s is first drive drone and second drive cam.
Is for to follow wedding car or bike and make cinematic video.
1 operator has to drive drone by eye for take care of people and 1 has her eye inside cam.
I have attached file of new european rules come to 31 december.


  • Easy_Access_Rules_for_Unmanned_Aircraft_Systems (1).pdf
    4.5 MB · Views: 13
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Just to try to dive the copter with not so sophisticated controller? Probably old stock has no such limitations as new toys?

Thank you for the attachment.
The long one, exactly. About the regulations I mean. From the brief, all Yunnec copters go into the open category or I'm not right?

For a "specific" one you, as a photographer, should be licensed to take pictures over the mass of people, but this isn't related to the drone purchase itself. Or not?

EASA rules should be implemented in CAA documents first after that prepare a step-by-step way how to be and more and more. Here this will take a few years at least.

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