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still have TBE....feed up!

Yuneec were very clear on the upgrade - do the accel calibration first, then go out and do the compass calibration. Keep the ST-16 away from the drone whilst you're calibrating.
curious to see if this fixes your issues...let us know

Ok, here is the situation. I went for a flight and unfortunately made only one flight as it was too windy and dark was almost near.
Anyway, removed camera, compass calibration just once, camera back up and here we go.
I must say everything went fine and there was fair wind in the field but H was very stable.
No drifting , no toilet bowl, just video feed went off when i move legs up. And this fan in RS is buzzing....
We will see how further flights will be.
Update: Yuneec replaced one A and one B arm. They also replaced GPS board. Since I purchased mine in the first batch back in May, I always had a feeling those first units may have had a bad batch of boards. I should receive it in the next couple of days and hope everything will work out.
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I agree, I think the first batch of Hs have some type of "quality" issue with a component. I'm thinking there may a be chip/chipset that isn't quite functioning correctly besides the GPS Module. I personally believe there is some some odd set of circumstances that happens, like "a perfect storm" that causes these various failures. That until a specific set of conditions are met, you don't experience these problems.

There are those that have a first gen H, who have experienced no issues. But then there are those of us who have had multiple issues. My H is going back to Yuneec a second time.

The latest upgrade seems to have had the complete opposite results. Manual landing and Accelerometer issues is what caused my crash. My H seems to respond very inconsistently to upgrades.

Update: Yuneec replaced one A and one B arm. They also replaced GPS board. Since I purchased mine in the first batch back in May, I always had a feeling those first units may have had a bad batch of boards. I should receive it in the next couple of days and hope everything will work out.

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