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The news channels just can’t help themselves...

I suspect the naked one should have been prosecuted, you can't un-see that!
And Jusse saw nothing wrong in what he did! It tells you about our declining society. Now if the roles were apposite, ohhhh boy! The demons would be all over this.
Their view is???
Indeed. Ask Jusse Smollett about how ratings and false stories eventually work out;)

And now the liberal left, after a couple days stunned that their golden boy anti-Trump anti-MAGA dream story turned out to be false.....now they’re blaming the Trump supporting right for it.....excusing him because the current climate made him do it.
used to film people "tombstoning" off a cliff into water ??? what is wrong with that if its 150ft away

apart from that sorry guys but the reporting is getting worse ( not that it was that good anyway ) since Comcast took over sky
Demoncrats? will never never admit it's their fault. They have been brainwashed into believing their lies.
They will twist any story to benefit there cause, and that cause is controlling your life!?

Because Republicans never write laws telling you how to live your life, right??
And talk about twisting a story. A 75% reduction in illegal immigration is now a national emergency.

Point is that politicians on both sides of the aisle will contort reality to fit their purposes.

Drone laws are driven by fear based largely in fantasy. The media plays a big part in this by stoking that fear, much how they have blown the fear of "assault" weapons out of proportion. I worry about people who want me to be afraid. It makes me wonder what they are trying to divert my attention from. Keep people afraid of their own shadows and you can do some evil $#!t while they are busy being scared.
It's an emergency when we know none of these people coming into the States have never been vaccinated and carrying all kinds of diseases.???
Do you want an epidemic on our hands? ?Then open the boarders and do nothing! That by itself is totally foolish and irresponsible! ?
It's an emergency when we know none of these people coming into the States have never been vaccinated and carrying all kinds of diseases.???

But then are fine with our own citizens not vaccinating their children? And if your fear is founded, why were there not huge epidemics caused by illegals when 4 times as many were coming here? What, they're sicker now or something?

Do you want an epidemic on our hands? ?Then open the boarders and do nothing! That by itself is totally foolish and irresponsible! ?

See above. Your argument makes zero sense. We did not have any epidemics when 4 times as many were coming in, but now we will?? And simultaneously we allow people, who end up causing actual epidemics (see measles in Washington) not vaccinate their kids in the name of religious freedom and scientific illiteracy??
I’ll simply say that federal and local subsidization of cheap labor and a future Democrat voter majority bears costs disproportionately burdensome compared to the total value obtained. They cost a heck of a lot more than they contribute. That comes from a guy forced to change occupations three times and close a business due to an influx of illegal labor starting in 1979 and the associated reductions in hourly wages and cash wages with zero payroll taxes caused by them.
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I'm aware of the measles in Washington, It was and is a mistake not to vaccinate!
We have opinions that will differ no matter what! Not worth trying to prove a point when a rebuttable will favor our own philosophy.
Vaccination carries a level of risk. Not all metabolisms react in the same way. Some will die, some will end up maimed forever, but when the formulas are correct most will benefit. Our military has some really interesting info they won’t publicly release covering vaccination failure results. The number of recruits that contract Guillian Barre’ syndrome after vaccination administration is rather high.

Those that contract it are pensioned out of the military after treatment and stabilization. Most of them will be able to do very little with the rest of their lives. But most that receive the barrage of vaccinations survive with no ill effects, and some pretty deadly diseases have been eradicated in the U.S because of vaccinations. Some of them are again emerging due to lack of immigrant medical screening that used to be commonplace.
I’ll simply say that federal and local subsidization of cheap labor and a future Democrat voter majority bears costs disproportionately burdensome compared to the total value obtained. They cost a heck of a lot more than they contribute. That comes from a guy forced to change occupations three times and close a business due to an influx of illegal labor starting in 1979 and the associated reductions in hourly wages and cash wages with zero payroll taxes caused by them.

I'd be happy if we aggressively prosecuted the companies that hire them. No job market and they will stop coming. But for some reason the politicians are reluctant to write laws like that. I guess business contributes too much to their campaigns.
Vacinationations sometimes work but letting inverted illegal immigrants flood the country is why the diseases are coming back.got my oldest vacinatted when he was 3 they gave him cocktails.it was the last time he ever spoke .he is 16 now .the government can't stick those vaccinations where the sun don't shine
I'm aware of the measles in Washington, It was and is a mistake not to vaccinate!
We have opinions that will differ no matter what! Not worth trying to prove a point when a rebuttable will favor our own philosophy.
But then are fine with our own citizens not vaccinating their children? And if your fear is founded, why were there not huge epidemics caused by illegals when 4 times as many were coming here? What, they're sicker now or something?

See above. Your argument makes zero sense. We did not have any epidemics when 4 times as many were coming in, but now we will?? And simultaneously we allow people, who end up causing actual epidemics (see measles in Washington) not vaccinate their kids in the name of religious freedom and scientific illiteracy??
Let’s not forget that illegal immigration is just that. ILLEGAL! These people are breaking our laws with impunity and with no remorse. They are not welcome under these circumstances. How about all of the immigrants that have come here legally and gone through the process to become citizens. In my not so humble opinion, this is a national emergency for if something isn’t done it will be worse. IT’S OUR COUNTRY!
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Yes, illegal immigration is a crime, but don't forget that asylum requests are not, in fact, crimes. And many of the recent influx have been just that. Again, my point is that with illegal immigration down by 75% how is it an emergency?

The disease scare issue has been roundly debunked too. Our own citizens not vaccinating are more of a threat. Same with crime. Illegals commit crime, absolutely, but at a lower rate than citizens.

Worse? It was four times worse in the past. Yet no pandemics resulted, how can that be if the worry is disease infested illegals storming the borders?

So no argument that it is better to stop it when we can, but declaring it an emergency and basing that on nothing but pure fantasy and scare tactics serves no benefit. Just like the scare tactics based on no actual data being used to regulate drones.
Let’s not forget that illegal immigration is just that. ILLEGAL! These people are breaking our laws with impunity and with no remorse. They are not welcome under these circumstances. How about all of the immigrants that have come here legally and gone through the process to become citizens. In my not so humble opinion, this is a national emergency for if something isn’t done it will be worse. IT’S OUR COUNTRY!

Well I have sat back watching this thread trying not to respond with my first impulsive thoughts;) but you sir - nailed it. It's not just about the numbers of illegals, or the diseases they bring, lack of education, likelihood of voting in a destructive manner, costs to the American taxpayer and so much more.

It's that; the first thing they do in our country is break a law. And as someone who is an American and is married to a legal immigrant that went through a very long and costly process that is still ongoing, its is appalling to see what is going on.

It is about the rule of law, we either have it or we don't.

As a side note, the only people who can claim asylum in the US; by international law, are those whose home country share a border with ours.
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