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Typhoon H bizarre power issues

Jul 9, 2022
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Hey gang, I'm having wildly messed up power issues with my Typhoon H. I put in a fully charged battery and power everything on. ST16 reads battery at 16.7V. I turn on the props and the voltage drops to 16.4. Start to fly and it plummets to 14.1 in seconds and I get a low battery warning. I land and turn off the props and the voltage shoots back up to 16.3. I have 5 batteries (3 power4s and 2 ultraX) and they all do the same thing. The only thing I can think of is a while back I replaced the K fuse on the main board (the one for the camera controls), it was fine after that for a little while, then the weird voltage issues started. Any ideas? Thanks!
My suggestion is to look at the FlightLogs from before the K fuse replacement and compare to after the replacement using Q500log2kml program or battery checker program by @h-elsner

You can download them from the download page of his website.

I run his programs on my Windows 10 laptop with no issues. He is a highly respected member of our forum.
Since those are the symptoms of a battery past the end of functional life, it might be worth asking the age of the batteries, and if they were all recently retrieved from an extended storage period after being stored under the same conditions.

I think UltraX batteries were discontinued in 2019?
Don't know about Power 4.
I agree, this sound like aged batteries, possibly with bad cells. Are the batteries balanced? The difference between the cell voltage should not be greater than 0.05V (50mV).
Another problem is the temperature. Could batteries have lower capacity and higher internal resistance as warm batteries. This effect is more significant at ages batteries.

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