Oh more negative comments. Got it. i

I feel the same about that as I do when I see demunseed (or others) DJI fanboy videos. Just more H bashing.
I won't argue with you because you are right, some guys got bad ones. I may be one of them for all I know I have not tested mine much yet. Just buzzing around in my yard so far but no issues yet that I can tell.
There are issues, can't argue with the truth. They also probably did rush to get it out. Probably did cut costs. Shoulda coulda woulda.
DJI did the same thing when the first phantom came out, it was full of problems from what I read. Never owned one myself but in just 3 years they are up to the 4th generation? That is more then one release per year. NEW MODEL, not fixing issues on current ones!! They release a new model because that is their way to fix problems and Oh yeah and "add cool new features" and make guys upgrade just to fix said problems their current models have. So they have to pay and pay again and again... Oh yeah and again. How is that so much better? I read before I got the H and that part of the phantom line scared me. That is their reputation for saying %$#^ you to their customers.
Am I wrong? I may be, I am no DJI expert but that is how I see it man. 4 new models in 3 years is a lot!
All I am saying is it is a new model. It is going to have some issues. I expect that going in. **** as I said I had mine for a month and have yet to even really fly the **** thing due to the lack of batteries. Still waiting! So I am already down a month in my testing warranty wise.
Yuneec probably should have waited a few months and upped the costs a bit to make sure all was well. Made sure the parts were better, better QC etc...
Again Shoulda coulda woulda..
All I do know is that a lot of guys are flying around with no issues with their H. Lots of guys are happy. Lou Ming beats the living crap out of his and it is still flying in his in his videos. Making it do more and more each time. I see posts from some guys here saying they are flying and having fun with no problem! Maybe that reviewer has a good one and has no issues with his? Is that possible?
You don't hear the positive as people don't post that usually. Forums are for issues so that is what you hear the most.
To me as long as Yuneec makes the issues right then I will be happy. If they don't fix their mistakes and address the issues then I will re-evaluate them at that time.
When I finally get to test mine and if it gets all weird and Yuneec does not make it right I will be all over the net about it believe me. i
