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UAV Pilot with TYPHOON H

Well none of the Smart features work which would be nice, hopefully that will be a future addition. Would be nice to be able to try CCC, POI, Journey etc. RTH works... Also found you have to be in rabbit mode to lift off then you can switch to turtle but for me I couldn't take off in turtle.
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After upgrading to this version, in the simulator, I can't "lift off". Blades spin for startup, light change color switching between smart and angle modes, but she won't lift off. Neither joy stick has any effect. And, it is bound correctly.
After upgrading to this version, in the simulator, I can't "lift off". Blades spin for startup, light change color switching between smart and angle modes, but she won't lift off. Neither joy stick has any effect. And, it is bound correctly.
You need to be in rabbit mode to lift off for some reason.

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