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UAV Toolbox question

Jan 7, 2017
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I've bought UAV Toolbox recently, and I freakin LOVE it! So far, I haven't had a LOT of time to mess with it. However, I am getting to the point now where I can.
I'm trying to be brief with my question here, but I need to explain what I'm trying to do with it.
I'm a firefighter, and we had a 9,300 acre wildfire last week. We receive an image file from the Texas Forest Service as a tool for "de-briefing" the incident. What I am trying to do is overlay the image below, specifically the entire burn area, shown in red, into google maps, or google earth. Doesn't really matter which one, but I want to be able to export the files from the ST16, to my desktop, and view the real-time, side by side video/map data, that we can watch on the ST 16, and be able to zoom in to the map to watch the real-time flight path, synced with the video. Again, I want to be able to watch exactly what I can preview on the ST-16, on my desktop, then overlay the red "burn area", allowing me to view my real-time flight path, beside the video, and still be able to zoom in on the map that displays the flight path, with my red "burn area" underneath, so I can show my exact flight path over the burn area. Is there not a way to export exactly what we watch on the ST-16, onto our desktop/laptops, to be able to zoom in and out, just like we can on the ST-16? I HOPE that makes sense?


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Well I know the video filea are on your st16. And it should be easy to export using the sd card. However not sure if you can export with the uav toolbox info. You can hook up the st16 to a tv via hdmi and just paly from the st16. Then everyone can watch on a bigger screen

Bill W.
Yeah I know about the screen mirroring. I may just have to settle for that. I want/need to add that "burn area" over what I am showing people. Unless someone knows how, I don't know much else I can do on the issue. May have to settle for a crude overlay of the fire on a projector screen, and show it over that..Of course that means no zoom capability....I just figured surely there was a way to export the files, and view the exact same split screen video and real-time flight path, that we can watch on the controller. I saw someone was able to insert an overlay of a screenshot from google maps, into Dashware, by creating a new gauge, but it says that it's extremely difficult to get everything synced up, and it's just a static photo, so you have no ability to zoom in/out....So I don't know....

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Yeah I know about the screen mirroring. I may just have to settle for that. I want/need to add that "burn area" over what I am showing people. Unless someone knows how, I don't know much else I can do on the issue. May have to settle for a crude overlay of the fire on a projector screen, and show it over that..Of course that means no zoom capability....I just figured surely there was a way to export the files, and view the exact same split screen video and real-time flight path, that we can watch on the controller. I saw someone was able to insert an overlay of a screenshot from google maps, into Dashware, by creating a new gauge, but it says that it's extremely difficult to get everything synced up, and it's just a static photo, so you have no ability to zoom in/out....So I don't know....

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Makes my head hurt trying to think of a way to do this. Sounds like a tech heavy solution. I suppose you could try to use Exmaps to play the flight while playing the video side-by side but zooming and syncing will still be a challenge.
Makes my head hurt trying to think of a way to do this. Sounds like a tech heavy solution. I suppose you could try to use Exmaps to play the flight while playing the video side-by side but zooming and syncing will still be a challenge.
Haha....Mine too...[emoji16]

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Hi there,

As the author of UAV Toolbox, I think we can do something. There are a few problems to solve, but it should be possible. I've sent you a private message where we can talk about what's needed.
Hi there,

As the author of UAV Toolbox, I think we can do something. There are a few problems to solve, but it should be possible. I've sent you a private message where we can talk about what's needed.
A man who loves a challenge. This should be interesting Tuna.
A man who loves a challenge. This should be interesting Tuna.
Haha! I hope it's not too terribly difficult. This will an invaluable tool for those of us that use our UAV's to film wildland fires, search and rescue, and SOOOOO many more....VERY invaluable!

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