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Video Playback

Jul 12, 2017
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It there a way to playback a video you just took, remove SD from camera and put in Controller?
Not sure
Yes, you can put the microSD card in the ST-16 controller and view it on the screen using the Android tablet functions.
Thanks, also I could have sworn that I could pan my camera straight down, don't seem to do that now, should it be able too?
Yes if the pan switch is in position 2 (all the way down] for full straight down views. If you are not getting all the travel, check your hardware monitor to see of tilt slider is centering and traveling properly.
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You can also do a quick review of recent videos on the ST-16 without removing the card from the camera. The -16 records that last 5 or so videos and 8-10 photos in a temporary file that is over written when filled that can be pulled up on screen at any time.
How do you do a quick view without removing card from camera? Thanks in advance
As PatR pointed out above, the ST-16 controller stores the most recent videos which you can view via the Android tablet without moving the micro-SD card.
In Android pad: > File Manager > flightmode > media_data > (tap to select your desired file) > (tap the screen to navagate the video)

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