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What they did was this from what I can figure out. They anticipated a huge growth. Hired based on projections. The market became saturated with drone companies. Tons of people bought cheap drones. The market was so saturated that all the upper end drone companies lost sales to the cheap crap drones on the market. Sales for most the upper end makers was OK, but not what it was in the start. So now as any company does when sales slow, they do cutbacks ( nothing new ).

No different than the dot com bubble. Yuneec is a massive company that not only makes drone for consumers ( consumer and commercial ), but they make high end $10k plus drones. They also have a huge R & D dept that is working on single passenger crafts as well.

So are they going away?.....No.

Are they still putting out new product?.....Yes.

Even if they were to stop making pro-sumer products, they would still be in business.

Why has their customer service become sketchy?.....because they had too many employees, and now they are scaling back. This will cause a longer wait time, but this is not McDonald's we are talking about, so be patient and wait for your food when trying to talk with them.

Even if they said they were no longer going to make parts for the ones that are out there, there is so much in parts out there now, you could stock up and be flying for years to come due to the fact that the replacement parts are so inexpensive.

Only one site has given any clarity to the story, and it is the only credible one to date. The rest are pitching worst case as those sites are sponsored by or support a specific brand of drone ( even though most claim they don't or aren't sponsored ).

So that's my view, take it as you wish. But I will tell you this, if you like a product, buy it. If you are afraid of stories, then invest in something else. Tons of drone out there to pick from. I just happen to like the Yuneec line of drones. Doesn't mean I would never buy a drone from another company at some point in time.
Your question is gone now?
Looks like he may have tried to edit the thread and deleted the text instead.

What they did was this from what I can figure out. They anticipated a huge growth. Hired based on projections. The market became saturated with drone companies. Tons of people bought cheap drones. The market was so saturated that all the upper end drone companies lost sales to the cheap crap drones on the market. Sales for most the upper end makers was OK, but not what it was in the start. So now as any company does when sales slow, they do cutbacks ( nothing new ).
I can only add that Yuneec has gone overboard with customer service in the last 2 years. They have repaired and replaced thousands of units that were pilot error. I think that was a mistake. It sends a message to owners that you don't need to learn about the aircraft or be responsible for how you fly. Perhaps they will be forced to be more discriminating on which machines are repaired under warranty. That would be a good thing for us all.
Looks like he may have tried to edit the thread and deleted the text instead.

I can only add that Yuneec has gone overboard with customer service in the last 2 years. They have repaired and replaced thousands of units that were pilot error. I think that was a mistake. It sends a message to owners that you don't need to learn about the aircraft or be responsible for how you fly. Perhaps they will be forced to be more discriminating on which machines are repaired under warranty. That would be a good thing for us all.
I was going to comment on that but people are so sensitive. I agree, you don't just run to Yuneec for every little problem. Use the search function on this forum or any other to find what has already been asked. Then read all you can before posting for help.

I read all I can then only ask if I have no other information at hand, that includes a Google search. I have noticed that people are pretty lazy on here and keep asking the same thing, over, and over again. This tells me that they are in no way doing a search, but are looking for others to do everything for them. If they don't do everything that they can first, how do they ever expect to be able to fly or even trouble shoot in the field?
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True all. But I do have a problem with the little magnifier icon instead of just plain good ol' Search.
One more thing to add is a lot of people who sign on to this forum and the other think they are dealing with an official Yuneec Forum. A lot of these people leave after posting just one question to never return. Or they will get upset and take out their frustrations on the people who are trying to help them.
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Guilty! To a certain degree... I signed on to this forum because I had a specific questions/problem. (The people that regularly post here are AWESOME!!!!!) (Too many to name.) It's unfortunate there are those that, like you say: Think it's an "official forum". I've seen the frustration taken out as well. It's a real shame. Nice to see most members here a bigger than that.

I will say though, I haven't left. I lurk! I enjoy and look forward to the "Last Week's Topics" email every Saturday. It's a great opportunity to keep up to date on the latest happenings here. (List Administrators, Please don't kill that feature.) YES, people need to do their research. My research brought me here.

Keep up the awesome effort people. This is a good place! Looking forward to the day I have something constructive to offer a fellow pilot.

(Stepping down and resuming my place under the rock over in the corner...) ;)

I will say though, I haven't left. I lurk! I enjoy and look forward to the "Last Week's Topics" email every Saturday. It's a great opportunity to keep up to date on the latest happenings here. (List Administrators, Please don't kill that feature.) YES, people need to do their research. My research brought me here.

Keep up the awesome effort people. This is a good place! Looking forward to the day I have something constructive to offer a fellow pilot.
I, too get a lot from the "Last Week's Most Popular Topics". This forum is where I go to find out the latest information, problems, solutions, successes of other YTH pilots. Keep up the good work, Moderators and contributors.
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