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Just Off the Phone with Yuneec USA

I pre-ordered in March. Was going to go direct through Yuneec, but when I called to place the order they told me I wouldn't get the wizard free as I missed the date by one day (ha what irony)! Anyways, I immediately ordered from Amazon as it said wizard included. Of course, like many of us I had other conversations with Yuneec US which turned out to be lies. It is very frustrating but I will not cancel my pre-order because I want the H.

I received an email from Amazon today with a new shipping date!!! Is this the light at the end of the tunnel? I sure hope so. Of course the date for ETA to my door is May 27-June 2. Clearly at best, I have another few weeks before I can send this bird up.

I am hoping it comes sooner, but I have a gut feeling people that didn't pre-order may get their hands on it before me, which I find unacceptable.
Clearly the dealers are putting pressure on Yuneec, but so far the fog is too thick to know what's what.
Maybe that Yuneec USA is not getting anything from Yuneec itself? That may be why they are giving dodgy answers. They haven't been given any real answer, and they are caught between a rock and a hard place?
Maybe that Yuneec USA is not getting anything from Yuneec itself? That may be why they are giving dodgy answers. They haven't been given any real answer, and they are caught between a rock and a hard place?
I don't think that's possible..they know what;s going on! I think they Just don't want to get caught with the pants down and say something they shouldn't
July?!?!? WTF?!?!!

To be fair Amazon says it'll take me 2-3 weeks to get a water sprinkler for the garden but I can pick one up elswhere so I am not sure if its anything to go by....


I'm off to B&Q to pick up a sprinkler while hoping my Typhoon H arrives soon ;-)
To be fair Amazon says it'll take me 2-3 weeks to get a water sprinkler for the garden but I can pick one up elswhere so I am not sure if its anything to go by....

View attachment 495

I'm off to B&Q to pick up a sprinkler while hoping my Typhoon H arrives soon ;-)
Everyone from Yuneec Global down to the dealers, as well as Amazon and Ebay should simply agree on a mass "Delivery in 2016" on all their sites.
Nice pic Capt. Yuneec knows that with all the hoopla that any orders that us Waiters cancel will be filled the second you hit the cancel button,were part of the advertisement scheme.People gotta recognize the fact that there is something pretty special on our radars.
Does Ace have special contract with Yuneec. Wasn't it Ace that has already sent out batteries and backpacks?
From what I have heard…. Aces' business is in Suffolk Co NY but has "warehouses" in California AND NY. He posted a picture of one "warehouse" and someone pointed out how it looked like a house and garage (with a motorcycle parked next to the pallet of backpacks and batteries and typical garage door) --- And it likely was a garage (which is perfectly normal in today's world of e-commerce)

My point was delivered to the East Coast verses in the same state as Yuneec... makes a difference in setting our expectations. I'm on the East Coast and my dealer is a state away…. So, I would expect they have/will get their H's in no time. But, with limited supply…My luck would be that I am in batch number 2.
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From what I have heard…. Aces' business is in Suffolk Co NY but has "warehouses" in Califor. a AND NY. He posted a picture of one "warehouse" and someone pointed out how it looked like a house and garage (with a motorcycle parked next to the pallet of backpacks and batteries and typical garbage door) --- And it likely was a garage (which is perfectly normal in today's world of e-commerce)

My point was delivered to the East Coast verses in the same state as Yuneec... makes a difference in setting our expectations. I'm on the East Coast and my dealer is a state away…. So, I would expect they have/will get their H's in no time. But, with limited supply…My luck would be that I am in batch number 2.
Drone mountain has warehouses on both east and west coast as well. I am on east coast as well. There are many east coast dealers (Ingenious, Dronz etc) it will be interesting to see when they get them.
Yuneec sucks, Yuneec USA sucks!, Called customer service asked when a "actual" date the H will go out to dealers, The gentleman told me he was just out of a meeting with their Director and was told to tell callers that the H will ship out to dealers in approximately two weeks! I asked him why we are told every week either next week or two weeks, but two weeks never comes!, I also asked him why many dealers are stating to their customers that you(Yuneec) have told them that the H will be in their hands this week to ship out to them. He wants to know who is telling the dealers this, as he has just been updated today that the director told him to tell us two weeks.
This has gone on to long and is nothing but BULL **** as we say here in Texas ! Plain Bull ****!. If there is a problem, I can wait, I want a working, bug free product, But why all the different stories and no definitive date?
I am going into hibernation till someone knocks on my cocoon and tells me they are in the stores, then seeing will be believing !

THE WAIT IS OVER, I Got Mine In - Just a quick video to show you that they are in and we can all calm down now as I did when I had it in my hands
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