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Toilet Bowl, fly away,

The only thing I can think of that changes with severe weather is the barometer. Doesn't that get reset every time the TH boots up?

Zeros at prop spin-up, but if the Baro is rising or falling (or if the drone is not the same temp as outside), it will start creeping again. Just ignore it.
For Ed888888888

If it was mine I would be on the phone to Yuneec Monday morning. That you use meters instead of feet for altitude sort of suggests you are in Europe and I don't have a clue how Yuneec's European office deals with customers. What you have been describing is suggestive of a defective compass. From what you have written it sounds like you are doing things correctly but the hardware is not retaining calibration data. GPS and compass data are only independent of each other when GPS is "off" so a bad compass has the ability to corrupt/confuse the data stream when both features are functioning together, which might be causing the system to "hunt" for a position it cannot find if the compass data is "dirty". Sorry for some of the terminology but it was the best I could do at the moment. Old age disease and vocabulary have their moments...
For Ed888888888

If it was mine I would be on the phone to Yuneec Monday morning. That you use meters instead of feet for altitude sort of suggests you are in Europe and I don't have a clue how Yuneec's European office deals with customers. What you have been describing is suggestive of a defective compass. From what you have written it sounds like you are doing things correctly but the hardware is not retaining calibration data. GPS and compass data are only independent of each other when GPS is "off" so a bad compass has the ability to corrupt/confuse the data stream when both features are functioning together, which might be causing the system to "hunt" for a position it cannot find if the compass data is "dirty". Sorry for some of the terminology but it was the best I could do at the moment. Old age disease and vocabulary have their moments...
In the U.K. the conventional way to give a distance out from the pilot's position is in meters, and the height is given in feet. So, for ED8888..... to give a height in meters doesn't necessarily indicate he is European (or in the U.K.). He could very well be European...just not using the correct conventions regarding measurements in aviation.;)
Could be an engineer. They always seem to use the wrong type of measurements in aviation related endeavors. Tell them the correct terminology and they accuse you of being U.S. centric.
Ed, since all 3 flights were essentially at the same location, have you verified that there is no magnetic interference in the calibration or take-off area; cars, pipes, rebar (in concrete), power lines, metal buildings, RR tracks, WiFi, etc? Also, do you leave the TH completely alone (no fiddling with camera or props or take-off location) while it is booting up? Both of these can be too easily overlooked in the excitement of the moment. I agree that you need some definitive solution either from your forum friends here or Yuneec CS. Don't give up.
I have more than 2 years flying experience and in some really remote sites.. Jungle as well as Mega cities.. all over the world.. I always consider as standard procedure 2.4ghz interference.. as well as other magnetic interference whether it be WiFi or local transformers or concrete.. Reinforcement.. I fly inspections around operating Process plants... I am privileged in my job to be able to travel the globe and fly my drones as part of my business... The location of the test mentioned on my previous post is my house in the UK and from this location I am surrounded by open fields and from this spot I have flown my Inspire Pro as well more recently my Mavic pro... Now I am no fan of DJI customer service BUT understand what I am saying the flight systems responsiveness and the TB issues are unique to Yuneec ;-} which by comparison does not come close to the DJI flight experience... Believe me I want it too I really do BUT! I love this site keep up the communication... Cheers..
Could be an engineer. They always seem to use the wrong type of measurements in aviation related endeavors. Tell them the correct terminology and they accuse you of being U.S. centric.
Patrick is correct I am an Engineer... Australian working out of Jakarta with a house in the UK
For Ed888888888

If it was mine I would be on the phone to Yuneec Monday morning. That you use meters instead of feet for altitude sort of suggests you are in Europe and I don't have a clue how Yuneec's European office deals with customers. What you have been describing is suggestive of a defective compass. From what you have written it sounds like you are doing things correctly but the hardware is not retaining calibration data. GPS and compass data are only independent of each other when GPS is "off" so a bad compass has the ability to corrupt/confuse the data stream when both features are functioning together, which might be causing the system to "hunt" for a position it cannot find if the compass data is "dirty". Sorry for some of the terminology but it was the best I could do at the moment. Old age disease and vocabulary have their moments...
I am not so sure... If it happens now I raise the aircraft approx 9.8 feet equivalent to about 3 mtrs ;-} just to be clear.. And it does cancel out... The issue here is a lack of confidence using the bird in a space restrictive area for fear of not being able to clear the issue with reasonable safety..
For Ed888888888

If it was mine I would be on the phone to Yuneec Monday morning. That you use meters instead of feet for altitude sort of suggests you are in Europe and I don't have a clue how Yuneec's European office deals with customers. What you have been describing is suggestive of a defective compass. From what you have written it sounds like you are doing things correctly but the hardware is not retaining calibration data. GPS and compass data are only independent of each other when GPS is "off" so a bad compass has the ability to corrupt/confuse the data stream when both features are functioning together, which might be causing the system to "hunt" for a position it cannot find if the compass data is "dirty". Sorry for some of the terminology but it was the best I could do at the moment. Old age disease and vocabulary have their moments...
If you read my earlier post you will note I did get on the phone to Unique UK but as I am Australian in the UK London suggested I make contact with NZ.. Seriously hilarious
I have more than 2 years flying experience and in some really remote sites.. Jungle as well as Mega cities.. all over the world.. I always consider as standard procedure 2.4ghz interference.. as well as other magnetic interference whether it be WiFi or local transformers or concrete.. Reinforcement.. I fly inspections around operating Process plants... I am privileged in my job to be able to travel the globe and fly my drones as part of my business... The location of the test mentioned on my previous post is my house in the UK and from this location I am surrounded by open fields and from this spot I have flown my Inspire Pro as well more recently my Mavic pro... Now I am no fan of DJI customer service BUT understand what I am saying the flight systems responsiveness and the TB issues are unique to Yuneec ;-} which by comparison does not come close to the DJI flight experience... Believe me I want it too I really do BUT! I love this site keep up the communication... Cheers..

Now I know you're trolling. Try searching 'Phantom Toilet Bowl' and you'll see DJI owners invented the phrase and were experiencing it years before the Typhoon came out. Clearly your two years experience doesn't go back quite far enough. :)

As for flight system responsiveness, it seems that's subjective because I've heard plenty of other people call it the other way and praise the Typhoon for better response than any DJI. That's fine if you feel different - everyone should fly the craft they're comfortable with - but this is a Yuneec forum, and you can be sure there are a lot of us on here who are *very* happy with their machines, and who have never had a problem with control or responsiveness.

Incidentally, is it me or has the mention of 'toilet bowl' incidents only started up in the last couple of months when we had the rash of DJI trolls popping over? People have talked about compass calibration issues and drifting, but suddenly since Christmas it's always toilet bowling?
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Now I know you're trolling. Try searching 'Phantom Toilet Bowl' and you'll see DJI owners invented the phrase and were experiencing it years before the Typhoon came out. Clearly your two years experience doesn't go back quite far enough. :)

As for flight system responsiveness, it seems that's subjective because I've heard plenty of other people call it the other way and praise the Typhoon for better response than any DJI. That's fine if you feel different - everyone should fly the craft they're comfortable with - but this is a Yuneec forum, and you can be sure there are a lot of us on here who are *very* happy with their machines, and who have never had a problem with control or responsiveness.

Incidentally, is it me or has the mention of 'toilet bowl' incidents only started up in the last couple of months when we had the rash of DJI trolls popping over? People have talked about compass calibration issues and drifting, but suddenly since Christmas it's always toilet bowling?
Tuna I take offence to your suggestion of trolling... yes I love my Inspire and my Mavic BUT equally I love the concept of the H Pro.. Certainly I spent my hard earned cash high in expectation and I joined this site out of pure frustration as I was not getting the support from Yuneec... Further more if my commitment by way of purchasing the H Pro having issues then sorting issues thanks to this site... then going out and purchasing the Cgoet if that is not commitment then I don't know what is... I don't know your background or experience but I assume you would want others to respect and take seriously your views and not for those views to be called into question... Is this not the very basis of having this site? Sharing through open and honest communication so together we can make the H Pro the best Aircraft in the market.. Cheers guys love the site and hope that opinions such as Tuna are not reflected in the main.
I can get a bit (a lot actually) testy with some things as well in that area. I'll give the benefit of the doubt for awhile yet.

Being an engineer, hopefully in an area that has involved the use of hand tools doing hands on work, you might try obtaining a new GPS and compass from Yuneec and swapping them out. I suggest this because of where you are relative to the place of H purchase. Alternatively, check the UK dealers that are posting on You Tube to see if they do repair work on the H. It could also be the FC might need reset if factory PID's have altered for unknown reason.
Incidentally, is it me or has the mention of 'toilet bowl' incidents only started up in the last couple of months when we had the rash of DJI trolls popping over? People have talked about compass calibration issues and drifting, but suddenly since Christmas it's always toilet bowling?

It's not just you that has noted this.
I can get a bit (a lot actually) testy with some things as well in that area. I'll give the benefit of the doubt for awhile yet.

Being an engineer, hopefully in an area that has involved the use of hand tools doing hands on work, you might try obtaining a new GPS and compass from Yuneec and swapping them out. I suggest this because of where you are relative to the place of H purchase. Alternatively, check the UK dealers that are posting on You Tube to see if they do repair work on the H. It could also be the FC might need reset if factory PID's have altered for unknown reason.
Thanks Pat I will execute a couple more flights and build up some stats.. Then approach Yuneec again..
Now I know you're trolling. Try searching 'Phantom Toilet Bowl' and you'll see DJI owners invented the phrase and were experiencing it years before the Typhoon came out. Clearly your two years experience doesn't go back quite far enough. :)

As for flight system responsiveness, it seems that's subjective because I've heard plenty of other people call it the other way and praise the Typhoon for better response than any DJI. That's fine if you feel different - everyone should fly the craft they're comfortable with - but this is a Yuneec forum, and you can be sure there are a lot of us on here who are *very* happy with their machines, and who have never had a problem with control or responsiveness.

Incidentally, is it me or has the mention of 'toilet bowl' incidents only started up in the last couple of months when we had the rash of DJI trolls popping over? People have talked about compass calibration issues and drifting, but suddenly since Christmas it's always toilet bowling?


To your last point (question): Exactly why I stated weeks ago; we need a different term than "toilet bowl". Seems way too violent/vile a term to describe what some of us have been experiencing. When we consider we now seem to have a mitigation procedure, we can abort the "bowl" long before it becomes a flush, IF we are paying attention and react to what we observe.

Are we any closer to finding out what the problem is and not so hung up on the name. I see a lot of common symptom that lead to out of control situation. For now my Typhoon H is grounded. Not confidence with taken it on a job and have it spiral at low hover. The work around, ascending higher is not a good option for me, I work in close quarter. My client require precision flying. I have had my GPS and Compass replaced twice. and the problem persist. I have found over the years that forums beat, CS most times. lets nail this thing down and stop chasing rabbits. .
Are we any closer to finding out what the problem is and not so hung up on the name. I see a lot of common symptom that lead to out of control situation. For now my Typhoon H is grounded. Not confidence with taken it on a job and have it spiral at low hover. The work around, ascending higher is not a good option for me, I work in close quarter. My client require precision flying. I have had my GPS and Compass replaced twice. and the problem persist. I have found over the years that forums beat, CS most times. lets nail this thing down and stop chasing rabbits. .

Did you have the IMU replaced? In my opinion, it does not matter how good the compass or GPS is if the brain doing the math glitches. If it's GPS related then shutting it off should stop the problem if that's the root cause. I've studied my old footage of when my H was all messed up before I had Yuneec basically replace most of the components inside under warranty. What I've observed is that first you loose the ability to hold a straight line, then you get rotations in hover that can go away for a bit with left stick input but returns. It's important to note that I was also flying this day in some decent winds that was making the H work pretty hard to hold position. The longer I flew, the worse it got and yes landing was crazy hard and took several attempts to get down safely.
That was back in November. Within a week I had my almost lost full control fly away and that when I sent it in for the final repair. Since that trip last year, my warranty repaired H is beyond solid. My point is that Yuneec knows they've got bad components and basically are doing a silent recall by taking repairs on a case by case basis. Obviously a diagnostic tool to check IMU function and calculations would be great but my guess is that there is no such thing and parts swap is the only solution. It's the explanation for the different behaviors reported here and why those who have pushed their repairs through and didn't quit till it was right are now successfully accomplishing their photography goals.
Nothing wrong with rabbits.

TB is a common problem with drones, the DJI and other forums have many similar reports.

Working as it should, the Typhoon H in a low Angle Mode hover (less than 15' or 20') may slowly drift inside a 10' to 15' circle. NORMAL...

True TB in an otherwise good TH is often compass and GPS conflict, or flying voltage going below 14.
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I can state categorically that with a triple redundant DGPS positioning system if your accuracy is within 8' you're doing great. The H does not have that. If your drift error is within 30' it's well within acceptable tolerance for the equipment used on multirotors.

The real problem is people don't understand their equipment but expect perfect precision from a non precision instrument. If they need that kind of precision they must accept the price of it goes up far beyond what they seem willing to pay. If they are using a multirotor for inspection work below head height they have a screw loose.
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